
The following are some of the media works that were created as part of this inquiry...

Dialogues on the Experience of Divine Guidance Video Interview Series 

The Dialogues on the Experience of Divine Guidance video interview series is collection of all the psycho-spiritual teachers that have been interviewed as part of this research study. They include advanced teachers and mystics from the Shamanic, Judaic, Christian, Sufi and Hindu spiritual traditions as well as advanced teachers from A Course in Miracles and Transpersonal Psychology. Divine guidance techniques were used in the preproduction, production and post-production of these interviews and the researcher used the practices of each of the participants tradition before, during and after each interview. The results of this process include the occurrence of synchronicities in the lives of the researcher and each participant. 

The Experience of Divine Guidance Presentation

The Experience of Divine Guidance Presentation is a slideshow from a presentation given at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in June of 2005 presenting the research findings of the doctoral dissertation "The Experience of Divine Guidance: A Qualitative Study of the Human Endeavor to Seek, Receive, and Follow Guidance from a Perceived Divine Source" - Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D., Dissertation Abstracts International, 2005, 66 (05), 2855. (UMI No. 3174544).

Integral Peace Blessing Video Meditation

The Integral Peace Blessing video meditation is an integrally-informed peace practice integrating all dimensions of a peace rooted state of beingness. This practice and the video of it were all created using the divine guidance techniques developed in this inquiry.

Art-in-Motion Audiovisual Contemplation Series 

The Art-in-Motion audiovisual contemplation series is collection of moving image meditations that attempts to use advanced audiovisual and cinematic entrainment technologies along with animations of my abstract art works to explore the human perceptual field, potentially inducing shifts in our awareness of our own perceptual field and bringing the normally unconscious perceptual construct-forming system of the human mind to conscious awareness. The artwork and videos of them were all created using the divine guidance techniques developed in this inquiry.

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