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The Buddha's Enlightenment through Meditation |
The following guidance practices were developed from our research into the experience of seeking, receiving and following guidance from a perceived divine source. They are a synthesis of all the major guidance traditions that were studied during this inquiry and tested by the researcher with successful results.
Synthesized Guidance Meditation (SGM)
The following Synthesized Guidance Meditation is the result of the researcher’s creative synthesis process used to translate the findings of this inquiry into a more tacit and practical form. It evolved from the researcher’s self-experimentation with various guidance-related methods (see Appendix C), and was used by the researcher in combination with the daily morning Synthesized Guidance Practice (see above) and as a stand-alone tool and practice for the seeking, receiving, and following of guidance from a perceived divine Source. Although this meditation emerged organically from an intuitive and guidance-based process, it appears to correlate with the basic concepts also discerned by the researcher during the creative synthesis process (see The Experience of Divine Guidance, Chapter 5 and Appendix P).
Seeking—Removing the Obstacles:
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your abdomen, allowing your stomach to expand as you breathe in and contract as you exhale.
- See yourself as a hollow reed or membrane, expanding and contracting.
- Continue in slow, deep breaths, while silently repeating:
- I am not my thoughts. I am not my feelings. I am not my perceptions. I am empty of all disturbances. I am empty of all desire and need. I am empty of all fear, expectation, and attachment to outcome.
Receiving—Opening the Channels:
- Continue the slow, deep breaths and silently repeat the following words while trying to visualize and feel the process they describe:
- I am open, ready, and willing to receive guidance from my Highest, Deepest, Most Expansive Source of Beingness.
- Then be still for a few moments and be present to any thoughts, feelings, or sensations that occur within you.
Following—Discerning the Message:
- Silently ask:
- Am I open to guidance from my Highest, Deepest, Most Expansive Source?
- Try to discern a “yes” or “no” answer within you by performing this simple muscle testing procedure to seek the answer through subtle body channels:
- Make a circle with the thumb and middle finger of one of your hands, and hold them firmly together. Press the thumb and index finger of your other hand together to form a “beak,” which you then insert into the finger circle of the first hand, and then try to press open the circle. If the circle opens, it likely indicates a “no” answer, and if the circle holds, it likely indicates a “yes” answer.
- If the answer is “no,” take a few breaths, and repeat the exercise, trying to more fully “feel” the words and remember the receptive state you experienced during the morning practice.
- If the answer is “yes,” proceed to inwardly ask your questions. Use the above muscle testing technique for yes or no questions, and/or seek your answers by merely being in the receptive state and inwardly listening for the answer, which could come in the form of an inner voice or vision, a thought-sense, and/or a felt-sense.
- When you receive an answer test it in various ways by asking:
- Is the answer I am receiving the correct answer? Am I interpreting this information correctly? Am I asking the right question? Do I need to ask a different question? Is there an action I need to take, and if so what is it? Is there more I need to know?
- After feeling complete with the preceding process, silently repeat:
- I am grateful for the gift of guidance.
Notes. Major adaptation sources for this practice can be found in The Experience of Divine Guidance, Appendix C.
Synthesized Guidance Purification Practice (SGP)
The following Synthesized Guidance Purification Practice (SGP) is a daily 16-step 20-minute purification process used for the purpose of preparing for the seeking, receiving, and following of divine guidance. This practice is the result of the researcher’s guidance-based creative synthesis process, which was an attempt to tacitly understand the different guidance-related self-experimentation methods explored during this inquiry, along with the knowledge of the experience acquired through researcher self-inquiry and the interviews with the co-researchers. It is a cross-cultural and cross-tradition synthesis of multiple traditions of divine guidance purification practices.
Step 1—Induction
- Facing NORTH (N) with arms down to sides, take three long and slow deep breaths; on the in-breath imagine the breath filling your entire body, and on the out-breath imagine any tension in your body being released with the breath.
Step 2—Six Directions Exercise
- Facing NORTH (N) with arms down to sides, breath in slowly, and chant HEY YAH HEY YAH HEY YAH HEY while breathing out (repeat three times).
- Raise both arms forward (breathe in), and then lower to sides (breathe out).
- Raise both arms behind (breathe in), and then lower to sides (breathe out).
- Raise right arm up to side (breathe in), and then lower to side (breathe out).
- Raise left arm up to side (breathe in), and then lower to side (breathe out).
- Raise both arms up from sides above head (breathe in).
- Lower both arms down front of body while bending forward (breathe out), hold bend (breathe in and out), then slowly rise (breathe in).
Step 3—Yoga Exercise
- Facing NORTH (N) with arms to sides, breathe in slowly, and slowly chant OM while breathing out (repeat three times).
- Facing NORTH, stand with feet together and do the following series of warm-ups: Head Rolls (three to right, three to left); Shoulder Rolls (three forward, three back); outstretched Arm Rolls (three forward, three back); and Body Twists from waist (three to six swings in both directions).
- Facing NE, then SW—Triangle Pose: Stand with feet apart (slightly wider than shoulder-width), point your right foot slightly to the right, and raise arms to your sides holding them parallel to the floor. Exhale slowly and bend sideways to the right, raising your left arm straight up while trying to touch your right foot with your right hand. Take three full breaths in this position before coming up. Repeat the pose on the other side.
- Facing NW, then SE—Warrior Pose: Stand with feet wide apart and raise arms to your sides holding them parallel to the floor. Turn your head and point your right foot to the right, then bend your right leg so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. Stretch your right arm forward and your left arm back behind you, while looking over your right arm. Take three full breaths in this position. Lower your right arm and rest the forearm on the right thigh, then stretch your left arm over your head and hold it out parallel to the floor. Take three breaths in this position before coming back up. Repeat the pose on the other side.
- Facing WEST—The Fountain: Stand with feet apart (slightly wider than shoulder-width). Inhale slowly while raising your arms over your head and holding your hands together, side-by-side. Exhale while bending to the left and gently stretching your joined arms down to the left side of your body. Inhale while swinging your arms and body back up, and then exhale while gently bending your upper torso and arms to the other side of your body. Inhale while swinging back up. Exhale and slowly bend forward, gently stretching your joined arms down toward the floor between your legs. Gently stretch your arms and twist to the left trying to touch your left foot with your hands, then stretch and twist to the right and try to touch your right foot. Swing back to center and gently stretch your arms behind you, between your legs. Return to center, then slowly come up.
Step 4—Qi-Gong Exercise
- Stand facing WEST (W) to begin various directional movements:
- Facing WEST (W) with arms to sides, breathe in slowly, and slowly chant WEI WU WEI while breathing out (repeat three times).
- Facing WEST—Restoring Spring: Stand with slightly bent knees, shake body up and down.
- Facing W/N/E/S—Rock Flying: Stand with feet spread shoulder length apart, hold invisible ball in front of waist with both hands, gently wave ball from side to side (three times) then gently shift to face next direction and repeat till you stand facing SOUTH.
- Facing SOUTH—Heaven Circles: Stand facing SOUTH with feet together, raise both arms up front of body then over head, circle hands three times to the right, then three times to the left, then lower both arms.
- Facing S/W/N/E—Earth Circles: Stand facing SOUTH, step to forward-left with left foot while extending both hands out from the waist in a right to left circle-sweep (three times), step back with left foot, step to forward-right with right foot while extending both hands out from waist in a left to right circle-sweep (three times), step back with right foot and shift to face next direction and repeat till you stand facing EAST.
Step 5—Mental Channel Cleanse
- Facing EAST (E) with arms down to sides, breathe in slowly, and slowly chant OM MA NI PAD ME HUM while breathing out (repeat three times).
- Gently breathe in and out while observing your thoughts as though they were clouds floating across the blue sky of your mind; trying to witness the thoughts without getting caught up in their content.
Step 6—Judaic Yoga Exercise
- Facing EAST (E) raise arms straight in front of body and lower them back down to sides, while silently repeating to yourself: I am grounded in Divine Presence . . .
- Sweep arms from back to front at heart level, one at a time, while silently repeating to yourself: I am surrounded by Divine Love . . .
- Raise both arms up from front of body and simultaneously lower each arm down its side of body, while silently repeating: I am covered by Divine Wisdom . . .
- Sweep arms back to front at waist level, one at a time, while silently repeating: I am supported by Divine Strength . . .
- Sweep arms out to sides and circle upward to meet over head, then lower both hands down to your heart while bending forward from the waist, silently repeating: I am enveloped and penetrated by the Divine Light that radiates throughout all of creation . . .
- Bend back up while opening hands and arms out to sides.
- With arms still at sides, breathe in slowly, and slowly chant YUD-HEY-VAV-HEY while breathing out (repeat three times).
Step 7—Sign of the Cross
- Facing EAST (E) raise hands up from your sides and touch hands over your head, while silently repeating: In the Name of the Holy Source . . .
- Lower hands down the front of your body, while silently repeating: In the Name of the Holy Creation . . .
- Bring hands up to heart, then open hands and arms out to your sides, while silently repeating: In the Name of the Holy Spirit . . .
- With arms still at sides, breathe in slowly, and slowly chant MA-RA-NA-THA while breathing-out (repeat three times).
Step 8—Sufi Salat
- Facing EAST (E) hold both palms up at waist while silently repeating: I surrender . . .
- Circle both hands out and up to sides of your shoulders, holding palms out while silently repeating: All my burdens . . .
- Circle both hands down and in bringing palms to belly while silently repeating: All my needs and desires . . .
- Sweep palms up to chest while silently repeating: All my hopes and fears . . .
- Lower arms and bend forward, resting palms on the knees while silently repeating: To the One and Only . . .
- Bend back up and raise arms up and hold palms out by sides of face, silently repeating: Source of Wisdom . . .
- Bring palms together in front of face while silently repeating: Source of Truth . . .
- Move joined palms down to heart area while silently repeating: Source of Mercy . . .
- Sweep palms down front of body and bring arms to sides while silently repeating: Source of Justice . . .
- With arms still at sides, breathe in slowly, and slowly chant AH-LAH-HOO while breathing out (repeat three times).
Step 9—Emotional Channel Cleanse
- Stand facing EAST (E) with arms down at sides.
- Gently breathe in and out several times while taking a feeling inventory of your body as though your physical body was a spacesuit housing your awareness; trying to witness your feelings without loosing yourself in them.
- Bring your awareness to the feelings in your head and neck, sensing any physical and/or emotional tension. Breathe in while closing your eyes, tightening your facial muscles and imagining that all the tension in your head and neck is being drawn into your face, then breathe out while opening your eyes and mouth widely and sticking out your tongue, imagining that all the tension in your head and neck is being released (repeat three times).
- Turn your body to the right to face SOUTH (S) and bring your awareness to the feelings in your shoulders, arms, chest, and upper back, sensing any physical and/or emotional tension. Breathe in while raising your shoulders toward your ears, tightening your shoulder, chest, and arm muscles and imagining that all the tension in your upper torso area is being drawn into your shoulders, then breathe out while rolling back your shoulders and dropping them down, imagining that all the tension in your upper torso area is being released (repeat three times).
- Turn your body to the right to face WEST (W) and bring your awareness to the feelings in your stomach, lower back, buttocks, hips, and crotch, sensing any physical and/or emotional tension. Bring your hands to your hips, breathe in, while tightening and extending your hips and lower torso forward, imagining that all the tension in your lower torso being drawn into your extended hips. Breathe out while rotating your hips to the right and back, imagining that all the tension in your lower torso is being released. Breathe in as you continue to rotate your hips to the left and forward, tightening once again (repeat hip rotation three times to the right, and three times to the left, breathing in and tightening on forward movements, and breathing out and releasing on backward movements).
- Turn your body to the right to face NORTH (N) and bring your awareness to the feelings in your legs and feet, sensing any physical and/or emotional tension. Breathe in while tightening your leg, foot, and toe muscles and imagining that all the tension in your legs and feet is being drawn together, then breathe out while releasing the leg, foot, and toe muscles, imagining that all the tension in your legs and feet is being released (repeat three times).
Step 10—Integral Peace Mantra
- Facing NORTH (N) with arms still at sides, breathe in slowly, imagining the breath filling your body and melting away any tensions.
- Then slowly chant the integral peace mantra SIPALA SITH SHANTI SHALOM T’AI SIDI PAX SALAAM while breathing out (repeat three times).
Step 11—Subtle Body Tune-Up
- Facing NORTH (N) with feet slightly spread apart and slightly bent knees.
- Energy Grounding: Breathe in slowly and visualize a cord descending out of the base of your spine and heading down to the center of the earth.
- Energy Clearing: Breathe out slowly and imagine flushing negative energy from your first three energy centers (base of spine, genitals, and belly) down the cord; then imagine flushing the negative energy of the upper four energy centers (heart, throat, forehead just above and between the eyes, and top of head) out the top of your head.
- Running Earth and Cosmic Energy: Breathe in slowly and visualize drawing in earth energy from your feet up your entire body; breathe out slowly and imagine drawing in cosmic energy from above through the top of your head; breathe in slowly and imagine the two energy streams meeting at the third energy center (belly) and blending together and running the combined energy streams up and down and all round your body.
- Releasing Energy Cords: Breathe out slowly while visualizing energy cords from outside sources (other people, past experiences, etc.) attached to each energy center and progressively release all these cords, starting from first energy center up through the seventh.
- Retracting Energy Cords: Breathe in slowly and imagine pulling back all the cords you have attached to others for each energy center progressively, starting from the first energy center up through the seventh, while visualizing closing each energy center after the cords are released for that energy center.
- Opening the Energy Centers: Starting from the seventh energy center (top of head), breathe out slowly and imagine each energy center opening up again like a flower opening to the sun.
- Aligning the Energy Centers: Starting from the first energy center and working your way up, breathe in slowly and imagine bringing each energy center into vertical alignment with the spine.
- Balancing the Energy Centers: Starting from the seventh energy center (top of head) and working your way down, breathe out and visualize balancing each energy center horizontally in its place.
- Charging the Energy Centers: Starting from the first energy center and working your way up again, breathe in and imagine each energy center emitting vibrating energy; as you move upward through the energy centers the energy merges and expands.
- Charging the Energy Field: Breathe out and then in and out three times while visualizing the energy from all seven energy centers expanding to fill your entire body and then radiating beyond its boundaries, creating a field of vibrating energy around you.
Step 12—Ki-Kata
- Facing NORTH (N) stand still and continue to sense the boundaries of your physical and energy body. Gently begin to twist your body from the waist side-to-side.
- Gradually let your arms swing with your body from side-to-side.
- Begin to accentuate the swinging of the body and sweep hands around your body from side-to-side, imagining your energy body expanding around you.
- Sweep your arms in circles to your sides and stand still for a moment sensing your expanded body. Raise your hands above your head, then sweep them down your sides as you bend at the knees and imagine sweeping the sides of your energy field from top to bottom, then sweep (and stand) back up (repeat three times).
- Sweep arms in circles around the body, up the front and then down the back (three times), bending as you sweep down; then reverse directions and sweep arms in circles around the body, up the back and then down the front (three times), bending as you sweep down.
- Stand straight up and swing arms up and down your sides from your waist to above your head (three times).
- Stand with legs wide apart while sweeping hands up and out, then hold in position with hands and legs spread out wide.
- Take three deep breaths and bring arms back to sides while bringing legs back together.
Step 13—Perceptual Channel Cleanse
- Stand straight and bring your awareness to your pulse.
- While holding awareness of your pulse add awareness of your breath.
- Try to sense the rhythm of your pulse and breath moving through your body.
- Extend your awareness to your muscles and skin and then to your entire body.
- Hold body awareness and add awareness of sounds around you.
- Hold body and sound awareness and then open your eyes and look at the space around you, holding awareness of all three levels (body, sound, and sight).
Step 14—Attunement Walking Meditation
- Holding awareness of your body, and the sounds and sights around you, begin to walk around the space you’re in (imagining that your physical body is like a spacesuit housing your consciousness).
- Attempt to let go of thinking about where or how to move and allow inner guidance to guide your movements.
- Return to your original position and face WEST (W).
Step 15—Synthesized Guidance Meditation (Short Form)
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your abdomen, allowing your stomach to expand as you breathe in and contract as you exhale.
- See yourself as a hollow reed or membrane, expanding and contracting.
- Continue in slow, deep breaths, while silently repeating:
- I am not my thoughts. I am not my feelings. I am not my perceptions. I am empty of all disturbances. I am empty of all desire and need. I am empty of all fear, expectation and attachment to outcome. I am open, ready, and willing to receive guidance from my highest, deepest, most expansive Source of Beingness.
- Then be still for a few minutes, breathing gently, and just allowing yourself to be with the experience. Be present to any thoughts, feelings, or sensations that occur within you, and if you receive guidance in any form use the discernment practices from the complete Synthesized Guidance Meditation to discern the message(s).
Step 16—Ratification
- After feeling complete with the preceding exercise, silently repeat:
- I am grateful for the gift of guidance. In gratitude and humility I surrender this moment and this day to that which is higher, deeper and more expansive within and around me. I give every plan I have made, every thought of what I think I must do, where I must go, and when I must do it to the Source of Beingness within and around me. May I be fully present to each and every moment . . . empty, clean, receptive, and open to guidance. May I be a light unto others and may I bring peace and blessings wherever I go.
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