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The first three accounts are recorded personal experiences of the researcher. These are followed by personal accounts submitted by visitors of this website.
My Search Through Time and Memory
A Personal Account of Divine GuidanceMark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D.
In the spring of 1996 I was struggling to figure out the topic for my doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. I had hit a brick wall in my mind and felt totally blocked. An old friend called and asked if my wife Sarah and I could meet up with him in Big Sur over the weekend. Needless to say I jumped at the chance to get out of the city and take a break from my internal struggle.
The next day we drove down the coast. The environment of Big Sur has always had a profound physical, emotional and spiritual effect on me, and this time was no different. As we entered the Big Sur area, tears came to my eyes and I felt as though I was returning to my sacred home. Suddenly, my mind opened up and I felt as though my thoughts were being cleansed by the whispering ocean air and the vast rippling blue sea. Mental boundaries previous held gave way to expansiveness. My mind became clear and I realized that I had been caught in my own Newtonian-Cartesian logic mind loop. I was trying to think of a dissertation topic and approach that would fit in to the traditional model. I had lapsed into worrying about which topic would further my career, meet the requirements, be the most impressive, etc. Now, it was incredibly clear to me that I needed to find a dissertation topic that would be organic to my nature and process, and would continue my own personal growth journey.
Once this realization set in, my dissertation topic became crystal clear. My dissertation would become a deepening of the path of personal inquiry I was already on, my exploration of the experience of Divine guidance. For the rest of the day I moved and spoke in harmony with others and the Earth. Miracles happened, great and small, moment by blessed moment. And at the end of the day, I stood on the rocky shore of the cliffs of Esalen Institute, completely bathed in sweet and gentle joy. I felt a profound shift within me and my perception of myself in the world had deeply changed.
I began my dissertation research into the experience of divine guidance by reflecting on my own experiences of divine guidance, utilizing a process called "spiritual autobiography" (Erickson, 1998; Morgan, 1996; Wakefield, 1990). This process uses the method of searching "…for God in time and memory" (Dunne, 1967) through the exploration of one’s own spiritual life experiences. This exploration takes the form of a spiritual autobiography in which we tell and explore the stories of our experiences of the Divine. This methodology has arisen out of the field of narrative theology. Narrative theology is the study of theology as it is expressed in narrative form (Goldberg, 1991). The narrative or the story has been and continues to be one of the most essential means in which religious and spiritual values, ideals, and understanding is imparted and explored (Alter, 1981; Dunne, 1967; Goldberg, 1991). Reflecting on one’s own past experiences of divine contact is also believed to be an essential part of the process of learning to seek divine guidance (Ochs & Olitzky, 1997; Smith, 1983). Within this process of spiritual autobiography, one also "passes over" from one’s own story to the story of others and to the literature of the spirit.
The following stories are a selection of divine guidance experiences from my own journey of the spirit. My journey has taken me through darkness and light, through great blessings and hardships, through encounters with spiritual beings and the literature of the spirit, and through my own story and the story of others.
- Excerpt from THE SEARCH FOR A DIVINELY GUIDED LIFE: A Spiritual Autobiographical Inquiry into the Experience of Divine Guidance by Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D.
The Divine Flow
A Personal Account of Divine GuidanceMark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D.
A significant episode on my journey into the experience of seeking, receiving, and following Divine guidance began in the Spring of 1985. I had just completed my graduate work at the American Film Institute. I was their new "Golden Boy." My graduate film, Voice in Exile (Kaplan & Fienberg, 1985), was winning awards all over the world, and I found myself in a whirlwind of meetings with studio executives, agents, and producers. During this time period, a famous television star asked if I would house sit for him while he was on location in London for three months. The house was a beautiful wooded twenty-five room estate in the foothills with a screening room, tennis court, swimming pool, gym, and rose garden. Within a matter of weeks, I went from being a struggling film student to a "hot property" with all the physical elements of fame and fortune.
One hot spring day I was sitting in a lounge chair by the pool of the estate talking to my agent on the cordless phone. We were discussing something we both knew was not true as though it was real. As our conversation unfolded, I sipped on a margarita and surveyed the lush landscape of the estate through my hip new mirrored sunglasses. Surrounding me was a manicured rock grotto with two swimming pools, a hot tub and waterfall. A beautiful young woman I had just met was swimming in the pool. She smiled at me, blew me a kiss, and seductively moved her naked body through the glistening water.
Suddenly I felt totally empty. Everything felt like an illusion. I looked around me, and nothing seemed real. It was as if my life had become a Hollywood movie. My agent was telling me how great I was, and a woman I hardly knew looked at me with the eyes of an intimate lover. It seemed as though no one was really seeing me. They were seeing my talent, my title, the car I was driving, and the estate I was living in, but they were not seeing me. Then I realized I did not even know who I was.
Several weeks later I accepted an award in front of a large audience. I looked out at the sea of unknown faces. The sound of the applause danced around the emptiness I felt inside as I asked myself "What does it all mean?" That summer I put everything I owned in storage, bought a backpack, and boarded a plane for Europe in search of the meaning of life and love.
I spent the next three months backpacking through Europe. During my journey I started to notice myself falling into two distinct patterns of experience. One pattern seemed to consist of periods in which everything flowed smoothly. Things would unfold effortlessly and seemed to work out perfectly. I would meet people who would point me in the right direction where I would in turn meet others. I would have the sense that I was in the right place at the right time and that there was a grand intelligence guiding me. All the elements of my life and the life of those I met seemed to be in some kind of beautiful synchronized orbit held together by some strange unseen force.
Then, suddenly, I would find myself in another pattern of experience. Everything seemed to go wrong, and I was out of the flow. I sensed that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Places I wanted to see would be closed or inaccessible. People seemed distant and cold. I felt isolated and alone. Every step was an effort, and I felt out of synch with everyone and everything.
Slowly I began to realize that there were certain thoughts and perceptions that seemed to precipitate and support these two different patterns of experience. The periods in which I experienced a sense of flow and effortless were preceded by a surrendering of my plans, expectations, and past memories. During these periods of flow I would tend to be totally in the present moment. I seemed to naturally accept things and people as they were. The periods in which I experienced everything being out of balance seemed to coincide with planning, expectations, and/or following a past idea, suggestion, or desire. A flood of past memories and future concerns also marked these times.
At first I tried to manipulate myself into having the flow experiences, but that only seemed to send me farther into the other experience. I began to see that each pattern of experience was related to the other. My periods of flow seemed to come from the surrender produced by the culmination of the frustration of the "out of the flow" experiences. I finally surrendered to the whole process.
I was riding on a train bound for the city of Rome. We stopped at the train station in Rome, and my mind began to blur. My body felt heavy and warm. My stomach was churning with tension. I felt a strange all encompassing force telling me not to get off the train. I just sat there watching people get on and off. Then the train slowly pulled out of the station, and headed south out of the city to parts unknown. My head flooded with painful memories and fearful thoughts of the future. Suddenly, all my regrets and worries seemed so trivial, and my mind fell into a deep emptiness. All my muscles went limp.
I felt as though I was floating through the beautiful Italian countryside. Out the window were rows of beautiful tall trees with white washed trunks. Their branches were covered with tiny golden leaves that sparkled in the waning light. As the sun softly set over the rolling hills of old farms and ancient ruins, the past seemed to recede in the distance behind me. I thought of trying to find out where the train was headed, but a voice inside me said not to ask. Suddenly, I felt free … released from my past and strangely at ease with the thought of heading to an unknown destination.
I rode the train till the end of the line, the town of Salerno. It was late at night as I walked out of the station onto the quiet city street. I walked across the street to a hotel where I could see a light on at the front desk. I knocked on the door. The young man at the desk let me in and gave me a room. The next morning I rode the bus down the Amalfi coast. I was enthralled by the beautiful clear blue waters swirling into emerald coves of powerful jutting rocks and the scattered stone ruins and sleepy villages nestled into the cliffs. Along the way the driver would stop the bus and yell "hello" to some of the farmers working on the hills beside the road. As I watched people engaged in friendly conversations I prayed to find some wonderful people to spend some time with.
The next day I met Bill and Diane, a middle-aged couple from San Diego. We started talking, and they invited me to come with them to the island of Capri. The next few days we spent exploring the island together, meeting fellow travelers, and having deep conversations about life. One afternoon, while Bill and I were talking about the trials and tribulations of romance we both suddenly realized that my last girlfriend in the States happened to be his estranged daughter. We both sat in awe of the unfathomable coincidence of our meeting.
Bill told me that he hadn’t seen or heard from his daughter in years, and had been yearning to know if she was all right. Tears came to his eyes as I told him about his daughter, and his yearning was fulfilled. As he spoke about his memories of his daughter I received the gift of understanding more about her, and gained greater insight into our relationship. That night I sat alone looking up at the stars above Capri. I felt blessed by the gifts I had received, and in awe of the great mystery of my experiences. The rest of my journey was filled with miracles and blessings. I felt guided at every step by a loving and compassionate force beyond my comprehension.
When I returned to the United States I lost touch with my blissful connection with this force. Though I had explored spirituality and caught glimpses of this force prior to my trip, none of my previous experiences compared with the combined depth, magnitude, duration, and everyday integration of my experience overseas.
During the past several years I have been exploring this topic to deepen my understanding of my experiences, and to somehow learn to incorporate some of its qualities into my everyday life. At various times I have been able to reconnect with this experience of inner guidance through Yoga, Tai Chi, prayer, meditation, creative expression, community practices, and experiences of grief and loss. This guidance came to me in many forms: Sometimes through an inner voice, dream, inner vision, or an intuitive feeling; sometimes I would perceive receiving messages through external signs and synchronistic events; and sometimes I would simply feel an energetic pull to move in a certain direction. I struggled to discern the difference between divine guidance and my own internal dialogue. Gradually, I began to attempt to align my words and actions with some of the qualities that seemed to be part of this divine communication. These qualities, as I sorted them out, included love, nonjudgment, and forgiveness.
These explorations into divine guidance have given me a taste of a state of being that feels intensely natural, as though it was my true or original state of being. When I am in this state of being, all of life seems to be held together by a gentle, loving gravitational force.
- Excerpt from THE SEARCH FOR A DIVINELY GUIDED LIFE: A Spiritual Autobiographical Inquiry into the Experience of Divine Guidance by Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D.
The Voice on Venice Beach
A Personal Account of Divine GuidanceMark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D.
It was a clear winter day in Los Angeles. I had just finished a year long period of psycho-spiritual practice using daily lessons from A Course in Miracles (1996). I took a walk along the Venice Beach boardwalk and watched the sunset. I felt peaceful and inspired. As the sun set into the Pacific Ocean and the sky turned bright crimson, I kept repeating the final lesson of the Course in my mind:
This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace. And if I need a word to help me, He will give it to me. If I need a thought, that will He also give. And if I need but stillness and a tranquil open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him. He is in charge by my request. And He will hear and answer me, because He speaks for God my Father and His holy Son. - A Course in Miracles
On my way home, I stopped by a side street as my attention was drawn to a lone human figure curled up on the ground of a neon lit parking lot across the way. It was a cold night and the body shivered in the waning light.
Moving closer, I could see that the lone figure was a homeless woman, huddled on the ground and struggling to stay warm. Suddenly, a clear inner voice said: "You have an extra blanket in your car." Without hesitation I walked to my car, got the blanket, walked back to the parking lot, and slowly approached the homeless woman. Her eyes were closed and she was mumbling to herself. I gently covered her with the blanket and silently prayed for her. She opened her eyes and looked at me as though I were an angel who had just answered her prayers. I felt a wave of gratitude flow from her and envelop my heart. I smiled and gestured as if to say "you’re welcome." Tears streamed down her face as she wrapped herself in the blanket and closed her eyes to sleep.
I walked away and down the boardwalk, feeling as though I were a transparent being floating on air. People stared at me strangely as I passed. Many of them turned around to look at me as if they sensed my presence from behind. For the next few days, I felt an indescribable sense of peace. This experience gave me a powerful lesson in one of the Course’s basic tenants: "To give and to receive are one in truth." I had given away an old blanket and received an inner warmth beyond compare.
- Excerpt from THE SEARCH FOR A DIVINELY GUIDED LIFE: A Spiritual Autobiographical Inquiry into the Experience of Divine Guidance by Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D.
Take Back Your Life A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
I am reminded of a late, chilly Fall night in San Francisco. I was leaving a neon-strobbing, thumping disco on Howard St. where my friend and I were working on plans for our daughters' high school fundraising party. We had just separated, and as I walked to my car across the street my glance brushed over the body of a man lying half on the sidewalk with his head in the gutter. I had become adept at not seeing the local homeless population which flocked to the warmth and social services of the West Coast, but I couldn't get farther than a car-length beyond this man.
I walked back and looked again; he was short and stocky, Native American (probably Inuit or some tribe of the Northwest), about my age and totally passed out. His arm was flung over his face and it was difficult to scan his face for some indication of character. I assumed a formal tone and said loudly from a safe distance,
"Excuse me, sir, but your head is in the street and I think it might be safer if you moved."
Nothing. I repeated it a bit louder and closer. Nothing. I know a little bit about waking up drunks and they either come up slow or swinging. I had tried to be helpful, surely I could walk on. "I have two kids and home waiting for me; they're my primary responsibility. I can't take chances here," I told myself.
As I turned to walk away, a car's headlights beamed across the dark bundle and once again I was drawn back. I knew I could not walk away, so I took a deep breath, muttered a prayer for guidance and protection, and bent over, yanking the tail of the man's plaid, thick wool shirt a few times. He was a slow one. His eyes didn't even open as he tried to lift himself up on one elbow. Down he went again, finding a cozier edge of the curb. Many times people strolled past, chatting; I felt invisible. I pulled his arm this time but he was way too heavy and way too gone to feel my tug. Something shifted in me as I suddenly got a very clear image of the driver of the car in front arriving in the dark and ignorantly backing up to pull out of his parking space, smashing this guy's skull. OK. I was a Mother now and this was my child. I lovingly told him he had to wake up enough to get out of the street, that I would guide him up. Eyes still closed, he responded to my hand under his arm and together we managed to get him on his feet and onto the sidewalk. I was talking the whole time and moved him to a recessed, darkened doorway where he might sleep off the day's damage. As I laid him back in the corner, I automatically bent over to stroke his face and told him to sleep tight,
"Take back your life and be happy."
His eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped in astonishment. My heart received his prayer for me as his child-face, in all unharmed innocence looked up at me like I was the ghost of his grandmother. I really can't remember whether I heard singing or not ( it's been many years), but I hear it now.
This is the church I was called to. Although I had no foreknowledge of its existence, it is a very famous church among painters, Georgia O'Keeffe being one of the best known admirers.
So my spirit guides told me to go to a church in Taos. What? Why? Those are questions I allow but when I am told - I go. I had business in Sedona and could stop along on the way. I did no research or investigation. I told my Mother, -We are going to a church in Taos- and that was that. I knew I would be directed to the church.
We arrived in Taos where I soon saw a sign for a church and drove up to a building that felt right but looked very odd to me. It was rounded and made out of adobe. We were in a dirt parking lot and the rain was pouring down. I wasn't quite sure where the church was but I knew I had found the area and it was not yet time for me to go in.
My guides told me to wait and gave me a time of 10:15 am. So the next morning - at that time - I returned to discover the front of the Church (and the name). What I had seen the day before was the back because, in the rain, I had missed the sign pointing to the church. Arriving at 10:15 allowed me to take pictures of the Church with the doors shut. There was a funeral in process and after it ended - the doors were propped open to accommodate construction work. There is a personal reason I was supposed to get the photos of the closed doors. I have posted the open door picture from a subsequent trip ...
I am not Catholic but after that, St. Francis came into my life in a big way. I began work helping with animals. I pursued a project that required major work and intense reexamination of personal issues but I knew whatever my own issues - for whatever reason - I was also there for the animals. I could not go around this assignment. I had to go through it.
That church is also the home of an amazing painting. It portrays Jesus standing at the edge of the water, facing forward with the water behind him. In the dark, the scene changes. It becomes Jesus with a cross resting upon his shoulder. Behind him in the water is a small boat.
None of those things are visible in daylight. The scene scared the painter so much he sold that painting as fast as he could. They have tried but have been unable to determine an explanation for how the paint would produce that effect because the materials required to create it were not available at the time it was painted.
I was called to that church for many reasons and there is more to the story but this is enough for now. I believe in miracles and I believe we are all guided on the path to remember our true calling. There will be some things that happen in our lives when our experience of the events is not the point. We will be required to be of service to others. We win when we answer that call and do the work ... no matter what the outer world perceives ... nor our reservations about our own ability. We are called for a higher purpose. There is no question. We are the answer. And so it goes. There may be some hurdles and some pitfalls and we will be strong enough to endure them or learn how to become stronger in our endurance and our faith.
Living with the Nightlight Energy and my Guides requires listening to spirit. Calling me to the church guided me to open my heart in a new way ... and to remember that no matter how dark the night ... the inner light is always on. Sometimes we must experience circumstances that require us to better develop our ability to see it.
My flashing nightlights are a reminder that I am divinely guided every day.
Submitted by Wendy Garrett, an intuitive and conscious channel (www.talkingtonightlights.com).
The labyrinth can be used without moving the chairs, you pray in a labyrinth, not on one and the gospel is in the center of a sacred circle.
I am reminded of a late, chilly Fall night in San Francisco. I was leaving a neon-strobbing, thumping disco on Howard St. where my friend and I were working on plans for our daughters' high school fundraising party. We had just separated, and as I walked to my car across the street my glance brushed over the body of a man lying half on the sidewalk with his head in the gutter. I had become adept at not seeing the local homeless population which flocked to the warmth and social services of the West Coast, but I couldn't get farther than a car-length beyond this man.
I walked back and looked again; he was short and stocky, Native American (probably Inuit or some tribe of the Northwest), about my age and totally passed out. His arm was flung over his face and it was difficult to scan his face for some indication of character. I assumed a formal tone and said loudly from a safe distance,
"Excuse me, sir, but your head is in the street and I think it might be safer if you moved."
Nothing. I repeated it a bit louder and closer. Nothing. I know a little bit about waking up drunks and they either come up slow or swinging. I had tried to be helpful, surely I could walk on. "I have two kids and home waiting for me; they're my primary responsibility. I can't take chances here," I told myself.
As I turned to walk away, a car's headlights beamed across the dark bundle and once again I was drawn back. I knew I could not walk away, so I took a deep breath, muttered a prayer for guidance and protection, and bent over, yanking the tail of the man's plaid, thick wool shirt a few times. He was a slow one. His eyes didn't even open as he tried to lift himself up on one elbow. Down he went again, finding a cozier edge of the curb. Many times people strolled past, chatting; I felt invisible. I pulled his arm this time but he was way too heavy and way too gone to feel my tug. Something shifted in me as I suddenly got a very clear image of the driver of the car in front arriving in the dark and ignorantly backing up to pull out of his parking space, smashing this guy's skull. OK. I was a Mother now and this was my child. I lovingly told him he had to wake up enough to get out of the street, that I would guide him up. Eyes still closed, he responded to my hand under his arm and together we managed to get him on his feet and onto the sidewalk. I was talking the whole time and moved him to a recessed, darkened doorway where he might sleep off the day's damage. As I laid him back in the corner, I automatically bent over to stroke his face and told him to sleep tight,
"Take back your life and be happy."
His eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped in astonishment. My heart received his prayer for me as his child-face, in all unharmed innocence looked up at me like I was the ghost of his grandmother. I really can't remember whether I heard singing or not ( it's been many years), but I hear it now.
Catching the Train
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
by M.V. Krishna Reddi
I spent a week in Brindavan, India, the place of birth of Lord Krishna, which is about 2150 kilometers away from my place of residence. I had reservations to return home by train.
On the day of departure, I had been wrongly informed of the departure time of the train; I was told that the train was leaving at 2.00AM when it was actually leaving 4 hours earlier at 10.00PM. Since the train station was 20 kilometers away, I had an early meal and went to my room to relax till it was time to leave.
While in the room, an inner voice was repeatedly asking me to go to reception. Finally I went but there was no one at the reception desk. For no apparent reason I sensed I needed to call the train station. I found out the correct time for the train and was able to make it in time.
Submitted by MV Krishna Reddi, a retired engineer from India and author of numerous spiritual booklets under the banner of MSNR Charitable Trust, including: "Bliss and Success with Divine Guidance;" "To you, My Dear Young Student;" "When Your Dear is Sick or Disabled;" "Anger and Upset Block Your Success;" "Influence of TV on Children - Suggestions to Grow Beyond;" and "Making Married Life Marvelous."
I spent a week in Brindavan, India, the place of birth of Lord Krishna, which is about 2150 kilometers away from my place of residence. I had reservations to return home by train.
On the day of departure, I had been wrongly informed of the departure time of the train; I was told that the train was leaving at 2.00AM when it was actually leaving 4 hours earlier at 10.00PM. Since the train station was 20 kilometers away, I had an early meal and went to my room to relax till it was time to leave.
While in the room, an inner voice was repeatedly asking me to go to reception. Finally I went but there was no one at the reception desk. For no apparent reason I sensed I needed to call the train station. I found out the correct time for the train and was able to make it in time.
Submitted by MV Krishna Reddi, a retired engineer from India and author of numerous spiritual booklets under the banner of MSNR Charitable Trust, including: "Bliss and Success with Divine Guidance;" "To you, My Dear Young Student;" "When Your Dear is Sick or Disabled;" "Anger and Upset Block Your Success;" "Influence of TV on Children - Suggestions to Grow Beyond;" and "Making Married Life Marvelous."
The Temple of Kali
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
by M.V. Krishna Reddi
I went on a business trip to Kolkata, where Sri Ramakrishna lived on the banks of the river Ganga within the temple premises of Kali.
Since I have a great reverence for Sri Ramakrishna, whose important disciple is Swami Vivekananda, I decided to visit the temple after completing my business. I went to the temple in the evening and I wanted to wash my feet in the river Ganga before going into the temple.
As I walked to the river I repeatedly heard a voice telling me to go to the temple first. I listened to the voice and went to the temple and was the last person allowed to visit the temple before it closed for the day.
I believe that Divine Guidance is normally open for every one, but we tend not to be open for Divine guidance. In my own life I can see and feel Divine guidance when I am able to create favorable circumstances in order to be guided by Divinity. Divine guidance is there but creating such circumstances is very crucial because otherwise it occurs on and off and goes unnoticed or ignored as coincidence.
To start with, I have had to get rid of a lot of negativity whether it was from cultural or religious tradition or otherwise. Only then was I able to absorb positive aspects and create favorable circumstances. And when these favorable circumstances are created, the whole community becomes spiritual and thus making this world a better place to live.
Submitted by MV Krishna Reddi, a retired engineer from India and author of numerous spiritual booklets under the banner of MSNR Charitable Trust, including: "Bliss and Success with Divine Guidance;" "To you, My Dear Young Student;" "When Your Dear is Sick or Disabled;" "Anger and Upset Block Your Success;" "Influence of TV on Children - Suggestions to Grow Beyond;" and "Making Married Life Marvelous."
I went on a business trip to Kolkata, where Sri Ramakrishna lived on the banks of the river Ganga within the temple premises of Kali.
Since I have a great reverence for Sri Ramakrishna, whose important disciple is Swami Vivekananda, I decided to visit the temple after completing my business. I went to the temple in the evening and I wanted to wash my feet in the river Ganga before going into the temple.
As I walked to the river I repeatedly heard a voice telling me to go to the temple first. I listened to the voice and went to the temple and was the last person allowed to visit the temple before it closed for the day.
I believe that Divine Guidance is normally open for every one, but we tend not to be open for Divine guidance. In my own life I can see and feel Divine guidance when I am able to create favorable circumstances in order to be guided by Divinity. Divine guidance is there but creating such circumstances is very crucial because otherwise it occurs on and off and goes unnoticed or ignored as coincidence.
To start with, I have had to get rid of a lot of negativity whether it was from cultural or religious tradition or otherwise. Only then was I able to absorb positive aspects and create favorable circumstances. And when these favorable circumstances are created, the whole community becomes spiritual and thus making this world a better place to live.
Submitted by MV Krishna Reddi, a retired engineer from India and author of numerous spiritual booklets under the banner of MSNR Charitable Trust, including: "Bliss and Success with Divine Guidance;" "To you, My Dear Young Student;" "When Your Dear is Sick or Disabled;" "Anger and Upset Block Your Success;" "Influence of TV on Children - Suggestions to Grow Beyond;" and "Making Married Life Marvelous."
The Voice of Response-Ability
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Joe Simonetta
It was the winter of 1971. I was twenty-eight years old. I was living in Sarasota, Florida. For about a two-month period, I had a recurring dream. This is the first and only time in my life this has every happened. In my dream there was an incomprehensively huge sphere, like a planet. A tiny thing kept nudging this sphere. That was it. I had the same image over and over in a dream state. I had no idea what it meant, if anything.
During the same time period that I had this dream, during waking hours, I would hear a voice that came from within. This is the first and only time in my life this has ever happened. The voice said, "You are responsible. You are responsible." That was it. This message popped into my mind at any time during waking hours. It was disturbing, distracting.
One evening around dusk, I was driving my 1950 MG-TD classic roadster, top down, south on Lockwood Ridge Road. Once again, I heard the voice, "You are responsible." I had had enough. I pulled my car off to the side of the road onto the grass and brought it to a complete stop. Tired of hearing this voice, I said out loud, "Okay, I'll do it." I had no idea what I had agreed to do. Yet, it felt like something I was supposed to do.
After that, I never had the dream or heard the voice again.
For the next thirty years or so, my life went off in many directions. Filled with serendipity and synchronicity, I registered rich and diverse experiences in many fields in and outside of academia. I was driven to help reduce ignorance and suffering and to expand knowledge and justice in our world. It has been an extraordinary journey. I wrote about it in the introduction to "Seven Words That Can Change the World." The message of the book and lecture that I give, some refer to it as a new world belief system, are received with great enthusiasm. See my web site for powerful testimonials for both.
All that I described continues with new developments nearly every day.
Submitted by Joe Simonetta, author of several books including, "Seven Words That Can Change the World" (published in November 2001 and scheduled to be published in China in June 2003). Joe also gives lectures entitled "Astonish the World, Tell the Simple Truth" around the country, and works as the Senior Editor for the World Business Academy (www.worldbusines.org).
It was the winter of 1971. I was twenty-eight years old. I was living in Sarasota, Florida. For about a two-month period, I had a recurring dream. This is the first and only time in my life this has every happened. In my dream there was an incomprehensively huge sphere, like a planet. A tiny thing kept nudging this sphere. That was it. I had the same image over and over in a dream state. I had no idea what it meant, if anything.
During the same time period that I had this dream, during waking hours, I would hear a voice that came from within. This is the first and only time in my life this has ever happened. The voice said, "You are responsible. You are responsible." That was it. This message popped into my mind at any time during waking hours. It was disturbing, distracting.
One evening around dusk, I was driving my 1950 MG-TD classic roadster, top down, south on Lockwood Ridge Road. Once again, I heard the voice, "You are responsible." I had had enough. I pulled my car off to the side of the road onto the grass and brought it to a complete stop. Tired of hearing this voice, I said out loud, "Okay, I'll do it." I had no idea what I had agreed to do. Yet, it felt like something I was supposed to do.
After that, I never had the dream or heard the voice again.
For the next thirty years or so, my life went off in many directions. Filled with serendipity and synchronicity, I registered rich and diverse experiences in many fields in and outside of academia. I was driven to help reduce ignorance and suffering and to expand knowledge and justice in our world. It has been an extraordinary journey. I wrote about it in the introduction to "Seven Words That Can Change the World." The message of the book and lecture that I give, some refer to it as a new world belief system, are received with great enthusiasm. See my web site for powerful testimonials for both.
All that I described continues with new developments nearly every day.
Submitted by Joe Simonetta, author of several books including, "Seven Words That Can Change the World" (published in November 2001 and scheduled to be published in China in June 2003). Joe also gives lectures entitled "Astonish the World, Tell the Simple Truth" around the country, and works as the Senior Editor for the World Business Academy (www.worldbusines.org).
Guided Through Grief and Healing
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Tammy Szczepanski
When I was 18 years old I was pregnant with my daughter. During my 7-month pregnancy I developed a rash on my stomach. The doctor said it looked like some form of shingles but it didn’t hurt. My daughter was born a beautiful healthy girl. We thought. Her legs would turn purplish in color and her eyes did not seem to focus. She had a blank stare. On June 6th, 1988 she passed away from sudden infant death syndrome. I started praying and would go to the cemetery with my bible and read it there during the first few weeks after she passed. One night I had an overwhelming feeling to go to the cemetery at one o’clock in the morning. I felt something was going to happen and that God would let me know she was ok, so I went with my mother, my husband, and his mother.
We went there and held hands and prayed. It was dark so we had the car on so the lights could light up where she was. As we stood there outside the car engine revved like someone was hitting the gas, but no one was there. We looked over at the car and then got a warm feeling through our bodies and we all saw a huge angel. We started crying because we knew she was now in Gods hands and was ok.
Over the next few years I would start getting debilitating fatigue and other symptoms due to depression from the loss of my daughter. In November of 1992 I was at work and I started vomiting, had pain in my ear, and my balance was off. I went to the hospital and was told I had an ear infection and I would be better in a couple days. Over the next day and a half my face went numb, I began vomiting again, light hurt my eyes, and I could not walk without my parents help. I was admitted to the hospital and had blood work drawn, a spinal tap and an MRI scan. The doctor told me that I had had Lyme disease at one time but that I didn’t have it anymore and that now I have multiple sclerosis.
Over the next few years I kept getting sicker and sicker. By now I had secondary progressive MS and depression. Nothing would help me. I would ask all the doctors I saw if I could have Lyme disease. They would do the tests and tell me everything was negative. They would tell me Lyme would not explain the lesions in my brain. So I believed them.
Over the years I had 14 MRI scans, was on ABC drugs, steroids, and medications for so many ailments and problems. I was sleeping 18 hours a day, my mind was shot, and I could not remember where I was going or what I was doing.
In 2001 I truly believed I was dying. My symptoms now were so depilating I had no life. I could do nothing. I turned to the Lord and prayed and read the bible. All of a sudden things started appearing wherever I looked about Lyme disease. I found an LLMD and found out Lyme disease was the reason behind my MS symptoms. I have improved tremendously from where I was 2 years ago and am now helping others who have multiple sclerosis to look into Lyme as a culprit behind their MS symptoms. I now pray and thank God everyday for being there when no one else was. I am thankful God put a doctor in this world who understands that Lyme disease can mimic MS and can be treated more effectively. I have found others like myself who were told they had MS only to find out that the culprit behind the MS symptoms was Lyme disease or one of the co infections. Now with all I know I believe God will be guiding me every step I take. When we knock the door shall be opened.
When I was 18 years old I was pregnant with my daughter. During my 7-month pregnancy I developed a rash on my stomach. The doctor said it looked like some form of shingles but it didn’t hurt. My daughter was born a beautiful healthy girl. We thought. Her legs would turn purplish in color and her eyes did not seem to focus. She had a blank stare. On June 6th, 1988 she passed away from sudden infant death syndrome. I started praying and would go to the cemetery with my bible and read it there during the first few weeks after she passed. One night I had an overwhelming feeling to go to the cemetery at one o’clock in the morning. I felt something was going to happen and that God would let me know she was ok, so I went with my mother, my husband, and his mother.
We went there and held hands and prayed. It was dark so we had the car on so the lights could light up where she was. As we stood there outside the car engine revved like someone was hitting the gas, but no one was there. We looked over at the car and then got a warm feeling through our bodies and we all saw a huge angel. We started crying because we knew she was now in Gods hands and was ok.
Over the next few years I would start getting debilitating fatigue and other symptoms due to depression from the loss of my daughter. In November of 1992 I was at work and I started vomiting, had pain in my ear, and my balance was off. I went to the hospital and was told I had an ear infection and I would be better in a couple days. Over the next day and a half my face went numb, I began vomiting again, light hurt my eyes, and I could not walk without my parents help. I was admitted to the hospital and had blood work drawn, a spinal tap and an MRI scan. The doctor told me that I had had Lyme disease at one time but that I didn’t have it anymore and that now I have multiple sclerosis.
Over the next few years I kept getting sicker and sicker. By now I had secondary progressive MS and depression. Nothing would help me. I would ask all the doctors I saw if I could have Lyme disease. They would do the tests and tell me everything was negative. They would tell me Lyme would not explain the lesions in my brain. So I believed them.
Over the years I had 14 MRI scans, was on ABC drugs, steroids, and medications for so many ailments and problems. I was sleeping 18 hours a day, my mind was shot, and I could not remember where I was going or what I was doing.
In 2001 I truly believed I was dying. My symptoms now were so depilating I had no life. I could do nothing. I turned to the Lord and prayed and read the bible. All of a sudden things started appearing wherever I looked about Lyme disease. I found an LLMD and found out Lyme disease was the reason behind my MS symptoms. I have improved tremendously from where I was 2 years ago and am now helping others who have multiple sclerosis to look into Lyme as a culprit behind their MS symptoms. I now pray and thank God everyday for being there when no one else was. I am thankful God put a doctor in this world who understands that Lyme disease can mimic MS and can be treated more effectively. I have found others like myself who were told they had MS only to find out that the culprit behind the MS symptoms was Lyme disease or one of the co infections. Now with all I know I believe God will be guiding me every step I take. When we knock the door shall be opened.
Flowers From Beyond
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
About a week ago, I was rereading some old letters I had written. I came across a quote I had sent to a friend who was going through some rough times. The quote was: "And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin). The next morning, I got a newsletter referring to a book excerpt. I felt the urge to click on the link and read the excerpt. The writer of the excerpt talked about going to Jerusalem and coming upon a picture of a pale rose with this quote paraphrased underneath, which she saw at a deep spiritual turning point in her life. I thought it was interesting that I would run into that same quote twice in twelve hours, when I hadn't read it for years, so I did what I normally do when such coincidences happen. I said, 'Huh.'
Did a little writing, and then I decided to go for a walk. It was a rather hot and muggy morning, and I knew the day would only get hotter, so if I wanted exercise, now was the time to go. When I stepped out the door, I had a feeling that I should take a different route from my usual walk.
I was glad I followed that urge, because on that street I saw a stunning front garden. It had sunflowers and blue morning glories. I took off my sunglasses to admire the incredible blue of the morning glories. I thought, what an astounding color. That seems like an impossible blue for a flower, yet here it is, right here. I appreciated them for a moment, and then I walked on past a couple more houses, and on the sidewalk (and mind you, it was already hot and muggy by now) was one, single, perfect, long-stemmed, enormous pale pink rose, just at the point of blooming open.
It was a glorious rose, utterly fresh, with firm unmarked petals, and completely un-wilted, despite the sticky heat of the day.
I looked all around, up and down the street. No one was out. Whoever had cut it and dropped it was no longer in sight. It was so perfect I thought it had come from a florist’s shop. It had a wonderful scent. Its leaves were glossy, large and dark green. The stem had no thorns on top where I grasped it. I looked around and the house in front of me had no rosebush but the house behind me did. It had come, I think, from that rose bush, but this bloom was lying several feet up the street, in front of another house, and had been cut long-stemmed, and was just lying there in the middle of the sidewalk. So obviously it was for me. I picked it up and said, "Oh, thank You!!"
Then I passed a car with a bumper sticker, immediately after, that made me laugh out loud — "People Plan, God Laughs."
The business I am starting is to help people organize their offices and manage their time, without losing room for spontaneity and creativity. I have worked at jobs where I've had to be meticulous about staying organized, but as I am quite right-brained and so are most of my friends and family, I realized that traditional time management and organization techniques lacked a certain ability to accommodate serendipity, surprise and inspiration. (In other words: People plan, God laughs.)
I went home and said, "You are telling me to take a risk, aren't you? Well, I'm afraid to."
Then I wrote down what I 'heard' inside, in response. What I heard was:
Open a petal at a time. Allow it to unfold. Open a petal at a time. Flowers do open, and they open slowly and gently and gracefully under the light of the sun. Do not force opening. Do not force circumstances. You relax and open your petals. Allow your petals to open, and let Me do the rest — allowing your petals to open is your job.
Roses do not open all by themselves. That is the mistake you have been making. Roses have the warmth of the sun, the gifts of rain and soil, and the gift of the beauty locked inside that opens outside. The beauty is always in them, but it takes that team to bring it out. You are not alone. Don’t panic. IAM not in the business of ripping my roses. Open gently to the light and the warmth, and do not be afraid. I will guide you in opening. Do not be afraid. IAM with you and I love all my beautiful roses. That is why they are here, out of My love and to share their beauty. Open to your beauty and share it with all. Be at peace. I will help you bloom. Nothing blooms without Me. Look at your beautiful rose, and be at peace."
Well. Who can argue with that?
I can, that's who. I said, eying my own garden, "Then what about the Japanese beetles?"
I was 'reminded' that the Japanese beetles show up for a short time each summer and then they go away, and I still have vase-loads of blossoms, for several months.
Anyway. Over the last week I've seen a number of vanity plates with the word 'Rose' on them -- I hadn't really noticed them before. And so of course, I said, "Huh . . . "
Today I was dithering about the fact that I will need to raid my retirement account for the start-up costs. Went to visit the designer who is doing my logo. She is also a friend. I had told her I was doing errands today and would stop by to drop some things off for her. When I pulled up, she was planting chrysanthemums, and I said, "Oh, you're gardening. Don't let me interrupt -- I'll just drop these things off." She said, "Hey, speaking of gardening . . . I have a rosebush I'm not going to use. It's in a pot in front. If you want it, take it." I checked it out. Its requirements fit the provisions of a certain bare spot in my garden, and I knew the cultivar and knew that it could be grown organically in our area, so I took it.
It wasn't until I got back on the road that I realized that my friend had given me a rosebush.
So, I'm going to risk part of my retirement account.
Let's hope I'm not just being silly . . . ;-)
About a week ago, I was rereading some old letters I had written. I came across a quote I had sent to a friend who was going through some rough times. The quote was: "And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin). The next morning, I got a newsletter referring to a book excerpt. I felt the urge to click on the link and read the excerpt. The writer of the excerpt talked about going to Jerusalem and coming upon a picture of a pale rose with this quote paraphrased underneath, which she saw at a deep spiritual turning point in her life. I thought it was interesting that I would run into that same quote twice in twelve hours, when I hadn't read it for years, so I did what I normally do when such coincidences happen. I said, 'Huh.'
Did a little writing, and then I decided to go for a walk. It was a rather hot and muggy morning, and I knew the day would only get hotter, so if I wanted exercise, now was the time to go. When I stepped out the door, I had a feeling that I should take a different route from my usual walk.
I was glad I followed that urge, because on that street I saw a stunning front garden. It had sunflowers and blue morning glories. I took off my sunglasses to admire the incredible blue of the morning glories. I thought, what an astounding color. That seems like an impossible blue for a flower, yet here it is, right here. I appreciated them for a moment, and then I walked on past a couple more houses, and on the sidewalk (and mind you, it was already hot and muggy by now) was one, single, perfect, long-stemmed, enormous pale pink rose, just at the point of blooming open.
It was a glorious rose, utterly fresh, with firm unmarked petals, and completely un-wilted, despite the sticky heat of the day.
I looked all around, up and down the street. No one was out. Whoever had cut it and dropped it was no longer in sight. It was so perfect I thought it had come from a florist’s shop. It had a wonderful scent. Its leaves were glossy, large and dark green. The stem had no thorns on top where I grasped it. I looked around and the house in front of me had no rosebush but the house behind me did. It had come, I think, from that rose bush, but this bloom was lying several feet up the street, in front of another house, and had been cut long-stemmed, and was just lying there in the middle of the sidewalk. So obviously it was for me. I picked it up and said, "Oh, thank You!!"
Then I passed a car with a bumper sticker, immediately after, that made me laugh out loud — "People Plan, God Laughs."
The business I am starting is to help people organize their offices and manage their time, without losing room for spontaneity and creativity. I have worked at jobs where I've had to be meticulous about staying organized, but as I am quite right-brained and so are most of my friends and family, I realized that traditional time management and organization techniques lacked a certain ability to accommodate serendipity, surprise and inspiration. (In other words: People plan, God laughs.)
I went home and said, "You are telling me to take a risk, aren't you? Well, I'm afraid to."
Then I wrote down what I 'heard' inside, in response. What I heard was:
Open a petal at a time. Allow it to unfold. Open a petal at a time. Flowers do open, and they open slowly and gently and gracefully under the light of the sun. Do not force opening. Do not force circumstances. You relax and open your petals. Allow your petals to open, and let Me do the rest — allowing your petals to open is your job.
Roses do not open all by themselves. That is the mistake you have been making. Roses have the warmth of the sun, the gifts of rain and soil, and the gift of the beauty locked inside that opens outside. The beauty is always in them, but it takes that team to bring it out. You are not alone. Don’t panic. IAM not in the business of ripping my roses. Open gently to the light and the warmth, and do not be afraid. I will guide you in opening. Do not be afraid. IAM with you and I love all my beautiful roses. That is why they are here, out of My love and to share their beauty. Open to your beauty and share it with all. Be at peace. I will help you bloom. Nothing blooms without Me. Look at your beautiful rose, and be at peace."
Well. Who can argue with that?
I can, that's who. I said, eying my own garden, "Then what about the Japanese beetles?"
I was 'reminded' that the Japanese beetles show up for a short time each summer and then they go away, and I still have vase-loads of blossoms, for several months.
Anyway. Over the last week I've seen a number of vanity plates with the word 'Rose' on them -- I hadn't really noticed them before. And so of course, I said, "Huh . . . "
Today I was dithering about the fact that I will need to raid my retirement account for the start-up costs. Went to visit the designer who is doing my logo. She is also a friend. I had told her I was doing errands today and would stop by to drop some things off for her. When I pulled up, she was planting chrysanthemums, and I said, "Oh, you're gardening. Don't let me interrupt -- I'll just drop these things off." She said, "Hey, speaking of gardening . . . I have a rosebush I'm not going to use. It's in a pot in front. If you want it, take it." I checked it out. Its requirements fit the provisions of a certain bare spot in my garden, and I knew the cultivar and knew that it could be grown organically in our area, so I took it.
It wasn't until I got back on the road that I realized that my friend had given me a rosebush.
So, I'm going to risk part of my retirement account.
Let's hope I'm not just being silly . . . ;-)
Divine Directions
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Hilary Thorndike
Last week I arrived late at a music festival, which had already started and all the camping places were taken. It was getting dark and I was getting increasingly desperate.
I sat on the ground with my tent and sleeping bag beside me and calmly asked the Divine to help me find a camping space. Within seconds a woman approached me and asked me if I was looking for a camping space, because she and her friend were leaving early. I accepted her offer and she showed me to their camping space, where there was plenty of room to pitch my tent.
After setting up I went off to find my friends and enjoy the music. Upon my return at midnight, however, I simply couldn't find my tent, even though I'd tried to keep a mental record of where it was! I roamed around the site for a good 40 minutes, but it was useless - all the tents looked the same, and it was dark.
I looked up and asked the Divine to help me find my tent. A gentle yet strong feeling came over me - but not a voice exactly - going, "left here, go up here a bit, you're really close". I turned left and passed by a few more of the multitudes of tents, and within seconds, there it was. My tent. At my feet.
It's worth mentioning that, when I asked for this guidance, I really expected it. And I did it because I knew I really needed it. And that's what made the experience so special.
Last week I arrived late at a music festival, which had already started and all the camping places were taken. It was getting dark and I was getting increasingly desperate.
I sat on the ground with my tent and sleeping bag beside me and calmly asked the Divine to help me find a camping space. Within seconds a woman approached me and asked me if I was looking for a camping space, because she and her friend were leaving early. I accepted her offer and she showed me to their camping space, where there was plenty of room to pitch my tent.
After setting up I went off to find my friends and enjoy the music. Upon my return at midnight, however, I simply couldn't find my tent, even though I'd tried to keep a mental record of where it was! I roamed around the site for a good 40 minutes, but it was useless - all the tents looked the same, and it was dark.
I looked up and asked the Divine to help me find my tent. A gentle yet strong feeling came over me - but not a voice exactly - going, "left here, go up here a bit, you're really close". I turned left and passed by a few more of the multitudes of tents, and within seconds, there it was. My tent. At my feet.
It's worth mentioning that, when I asked for this guidance, I really expected it. And I did it because I knew I really needed it. And that's what made the experience so special.
Fly With Joy
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Debbie Milam
Although my life is filled with extraordinary blessing, the past two years were filled to the brim with opportunities to overcome. The death of 10 loved ones, a severe car accident, health challenges in my children and myself and deep emotional problems of a family member. These events can either tear a family apart or bring them closer together. In my case our family came together to support, nurture and cherish each other. Seeing how precious life is we are now stronger, healthier and more joyful than ever.
This is what also happens in our relationship with God. We either become angry and resentful at the challenges in our lives, blaming them on the creator or we find a deeper connection to God’s love and strength. It is when we find this deeper relationship that we are then able to heal.
At one particular moment when life felt very heavy and I felt overwhelmed, I cried out, “If you are there God, please give me a sign." I was guided to go outside.
As the sun was beginning to set, the sky was ablaze with the most delicious hues. As I gazed at our beautiful Bougainvillea tree that was in full magenta bloom, dancing on every branch was a dragonfly. There must have been 20 of them. I was immediately infused with a shower of delight.
The dragonfly has deep symbolic meaning in my life; it exemplifies the ability to rise above anything, to fly with joy and to move effortlessly through the winds of change. I gave thanks and just as I did, several of them, which looked like little iridescent fairies, landed on my arms. It was my reminder that God was and always is there for me.
My validation of God’s presecence came in the form of a dragonfly. At other times in my life, it appeared as a rainbow, a beautiful sunset, my children’s gentle hugs, the sweet song of a bluebird, or a whisper in my heart. When you are facing obstacles pray that the creator make his presecence known, then pay attention for the signs that you are safe in the arms of God.
I wish you the lesson that the dragonfly offered me, as spring brings rebirth into your life and the lives of your children, remember with God’s love, you can rise above anything, fly with joy and move effortlessly through the winds of change.
May you and your children be showered with peace, health, joy and most of all love.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
Although my life is filled with extraordinary blessing, the past two years were filled to the brim with opportunities to overcome. The death of 10 loved ones, a severe car accident, health challenges in my children and myself and deep emotional problems of a family member. These events can either tear a family apart or bring them closer together. In my case our family came together to support, nurture and cherish each other. Seeing how precious life is we are now stronger, healthier and more joyful than ever.
This is what also happens in our relationship with God. We either become angry and resentful at the challenges in our lives, blaming them on the creator or we find a deeper connection to God’s love and strength. It is when we find this deeper relationship that we are then able to heal.
At one particular moment when life felt very heavy and I felt overwhelmed, I cried out, “If you are there God, please give me a sign." I was guided to go outside.
As the sun was beginning to set, the sky was ablaze with the most delicious hues. As I gazed at our beautiful Bougainvillea tree that was in full magenta bloom, dancing on every branch was a dragonfly. There must have been 20 of them. I was immediately infused with a shower of delight.
The dragonfly has deep symbolic meaning in my life; it exemplifies the ability to rise above anything, to fly with joy and to move effortlessly through the winds of change. I gave thanks and just as I did, several of them, which looked like little iridescent fairies, landed on my arms. It was my reminder that God was and always is there for me.
My validation of God’s presecence came in the form of a dragonfly. At other times in my life, it appeared as a rainbow, a beautiful sunset, my children’s gentle hugs, the sweet song of a bluebird, or a whisper in my heart. When you are facing obstacles pray that the creator make his presecence known, then pay attention for the signs that you are safe in the arms of God.
I wish you the lesson that the dragonfly offered me, as spring brings rebirth into your life and the lives of your children, remember with God’s love, you can rise above anything, fly with joy and move effortlessly through the winds of change.
May you and your children be showered with peace, health, joy and most of all love.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
God Inspired Parenting
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Debbie Milam
It was a day that will forever be etched into my being. My husband was out of town for a week visiting his mother, just after his father had passed away, and I was parenting my extraordinary children solo. After five days of refereeing high drama, guiding right choices, soothing emotions, loving unconditionally and relaxing righteous indignation — I was exhausted.
Feeling both physically and emotionally drained one evening, I put my children to bed and sat down to meditate and pray. As I melted into the silence I was surrounded by a blissful connection with the creator. In my mind I asked God what I needed to learn in order to be a more effective parent. Within moments God's wisdom poured through my soul. As I melted into to the divine communion, several keys were revealed to my heart. I was guided to look deeply into my children's eyes when I become frustrated and remember how small they really are, how they make me feel when they hug me and how they melt my heart with love.
I felt my burdens being lifted as more insights were revealed. I was guided to take a deep breath when I lose my patience, and to encourage my children to do the same. I was directed to support them in making right choices, but to remember that their minds need to ask questions and their souls need to make mistakes. I was shown that we were brought together to help each other grow and that in this lifetime my children had lessons to learn. And so did I.
Tears began to flow as God's wisdom poured forth. I was told that when the world seemed overwhelming, to pray together with my children and share how fully God loves each of them. I was told to be an example of the healing power of kindness, and to teach that each of them can make a difference in the world.
The joyous lessons became more profound as God whispered, "When you are with your children be fully present, remember to laugh with them, cry with them and celebrate life with them." But perhaps the wisdom that touched my heart the deepest was that my children are the biggest blessing God has ever bestowed upon me.
I felt my life force re-ignite and I was now able to see the beauty and the innocence in my children. I was able to feel how deeply I am connected to their souls. With this reverent knowing in my heart, I walked into my children's room. As they lay sleeping, I kissed each one and thanked God for the wisdom that would help me be a better parent and for the blessing of these beautiful little angels.
How different would our families be if God's wisdom guided all our parenting choices? Take a deep breathe and ask God what it is you need to learn to parent more effectively. As this guidance fills your heart you can then parent from a place of strength and understanding, helping your children reach their highest potential.
May you and your children be showered with peace, health, joy — and most of all love.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
It was a day that will forever be etched into my being. My husband was out of town for a week visiting his mother, just after his father had passed away, and I was parenting my extraordinary children solo. After five days of refereeing high drama, guiding right choices, soothing emotions, loving unconditionally and relaxing righteous indignation — I was exhausted.
Feeling both physically and emotionally drained one evening, I put my children to bed and sat down to meditate and pray. As I melted into the silence I was surrounded by a blissful connection with the creator. In my mind I asked God what I needed to learn in order to be a more effective parent. Within moments God's wisdom poured through my soul. As I melted into to the divine communion, several keys were revealed to my heart. I was guided to look deeply into my children's eyes when I become frustrated and remember how small they really are, how they make me feel when they hug me and how they melt my heart with love.
I felt my burdens being lifted as more insights were revealed. I was guided to take a deep breath when I lose my patience, and to encourage my children to do the same. I was directed to support them in making right choices, but to remember that their minds need to ask questions and their souls need to make mistakes. I was shown that we were brought together to help each other grow and that in this lifetime my children had lessons to learn. And so did I.
Tears began to flow as God's wisdom poured forth. I was told that when the world seemed overwhelming, to pray together with my children and share how fully God loves each of them. I was told to be an example of the healing power of kindness, and to teach that each of them can make a difference in the world.
The joyous lessons became more profound as God whispered, "When you are with your children be fully present, remember to laugh with them, cry with them and celebrate life with them." But perhaps the wisdom that touched my heart the deepest was that my children are the biggest blessing God has ever bestowed upon me.
I felt my life force re-ignite and I was now able to see the beauty and the innocence in my children. I was able to feel how deeply I am connected to their souls. With this reverent knowing in my heart, I walked into my children's room. As they lay sleeping, I kissed each one and thanked God for the wisdom that would help me be a better parent and for the blessing of these beautiful little angels.
How different would our families be if God's wisdom guided all our parenting choices? Take a deep breathe and ask God what it is you need to learn to parent more effectively. As this guidance fills your heart you can then parent from a place of strength and understanding, helping your children reach their highest potential.
May you and your children be showered with peace, health, joy — and most of all love.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
What Our Teens Really Need
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Debbie Milam
Christmas morning, although our family was in the midst of healing from a month of trauma; love and prosperity filled our home. The contrast of emotions and our experience made the joy ever more palpable. We opened presents, enjoyed each others company and savored a delicious breakfast feast. All was well in our home, until my 13 year old, usually mild mannered son, began ranting and raving. He was furious; I had forgotten to buy several items he needed to prepare his famous pound cake recipe that he intended to serve at Christmas dinner. His anger escalated when he thought that every store was closed for the holiday.
My intuition kicked into high gear, remembering that our local Walgreen’s never, ever closed. I hopped into the car thinking I would run into the store quickly, get what I needed and head home. Little did I know that God had a profound lesson waiting for me.
As I gathered the sugar, eggs and butter I noticed a young man about 16 or 17. Every inch of his body was covered in tattoos and multiple piercing. Although his appearance attracted my attention, what was most evident was the level of pain and sadness on this young man’s face. It was a look of utter despair, deep loneliness, and mournful suffering.
Maybe I was able to see this teenager’s suffering because of the pain our family had felt this past month. Maybe all of the deep grieving we had experienced from the traumatic events in our lives had opened up my heart to a deeper level of empathy.
My heart expanded with compassion, thinking this was someone’s child in the deepest state of despair. I began to pray for him, asking God to surround him in comfort. Each aisle I walked down, he was there, not following me but there for me to notice and to continue to pray for.
Knowing the power of prayer and trusting God would take care of this child, I thought the whole experience was over, paid for my items and walked out of the store. As I left the store once again I was confronted with this precious child of God. The young man sat on a bench with his face buried in his hands. In all of my life I do not think I have ever seen a sadder site. Here it was Christmas morning when most families are together and this teenager was alone, in utter despair.
In my mind I called out to God, please show me how to uplift this young man. Do I need to sit with him, do I need to call Mental Health Services, do I need to bring him home with me? Then the still, small voice spoke to my heart; buy him a present, show him that someone notices him and cares that he is here.
I quickly ran back into the store and bought him a small gift. As I exited the store I approached this young man. I handed him the present and wished him a Merry Christmas. He looked completely shocked. I began to speak, telling him that I noticed how sad he looked and that I wanted to do something to cheer him up. As he listened he burst into tears. Through his crying he kept saying over and over again, God bless you, thank you, you do not know how much this means to me. I said your welcome and asked him if he was going to be alright. Within moments his entire presence changed and for the first time I saw his beautiful smile. He said now he would be okay.
As I got into my car, a flood of tears flowed down my face. Could a simple act of noticing a teenager’s pain change their lives? Could a small gift to acknowledge another human being’s suffering uplift them? I will never know how this encounter changed this young man’s life. All I know is that my life will never be the same. This young man was an angel, bringing me so many profound lessons. I was able to see that spite of our own family’s suffering we had each other to lean on. I was able to remember that through our challenges we grow in compassion. Finally, I was able to understand that every teen needs to be loved, noticed, acknowledged and connected to others.
Take time today to notice the children in your lives, the ones that cross your path. Reach out beyond your own comfort zone and help another feel connected and acknowledged. May you and your children always have someone there when you need them.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
Christmas morning, although our family was in the midst of healing from a month of trauma; love and prosperity filled our home. The contrast of emotions and our experience made the joy ever more palpable. We opened presents, enjoyed each others company and savored a delicious breakfast feast. All was well in our home, until my 13 year old, usually mild mannered son, began ranting and raving. He was furious; I had forgotten to buy several items he needed to prepare his famous pound cake recipe that he intended to serve at Christmas dinner. His anger escalated when he thought that every store was closed for the holiday.
My intuition kicked into high gear, remembering that our local Walgreen’s never, ever closed. I hopped into the car thinking I would run into the store quickly, get what I needed and head home. Little did I know that God had a profound lesson waiting for me.
As I gathered the sugar, eggs and butter I noticed a young man about 16 or 17. Every inch of his body was covered in tattoos and multiple piercing. Although his appearance attracted my attention, what was most evident was the level of pain and sadness on this young man’s face. It was a look of utter despair, deep loneliness, and mournful suffering.
Maybe I was able to see this teenager’s suffering because of the pain our family had felt this past month. Maybe all of the deep grieving we had experienced from the traumatic events in our lives had opened up my heart to a deeper level of empathy.
My heart expanded with compassion, thinking this was someone’s child in the deepest state of despair. I began to pray for him, asking God to surround him in comfort. Each aisle I walked down, he was there, not following me but there for me to notice and to continue to pray for.
Knowing the power of prayer and trusting God would take care of this child, I thought the whole experience was over, paid for my items and walked out of the store. As I left the store once again I was confronted with this precious child of God. The young man sat on a bench with his face buried in his hands. In all of my life I do not think I have ever seen a sadder site. Here it was Christmas morning when most families are together and this teenager was alone, in utter despair.
In my mind I called out to God, please show me how to uplift this young man. Do I need to sit with him, do I need to call Mental Health Services, do I need to bring him home with me? Then the still, small voice spoke to my heart; buy him a present, show him that someone notices him and cares that he is here.
I quickly ran back into the store and bought him a small gift. As I exited the store I approached this young man. I handed him the present and wished him a Merry Christmas. He looked completely shocked. I began to speak, telling him that I noticed how sad he looked and that I wanted to do something to cheer him up. As he listened he burst into tears. Through his crying he kept saying over and over again, God bless you, thank you, you do not know how much this means to me. I said your welcome and asked him if he was going to be alright. Within moments his entire presence changed and for the first time I saw his beautiful smile. He said now he would be okay.
As I got into my car, a flood of tears flowed down my face. Could a simple act of noticing a teenager’s pain change their lives? Could a small gift to acknowledge another human being’s suffering uplift them? I will never know how this encounter changed this young man’s life. All I know is that my life will never be the same. This young man was an angel, bringing me so many profound lessons. I was able to see that spite of our own family’s suffering we had each other to lean on. I was able to remember that through our challenges we grow in compassion. Finally, I was able to understand that every teen needs to be loved, noticed, acknowledged and connected to others.
Take time today to notice the children in your lives, the ones that cross your path. Reach out beyond your own comfort zone and help another feel connected and acknowledged. May you and your children always have someone there when you need them.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
Dancing with God
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Debbie Milam
Yes, there is suffering in the world, but there is also overcoming it. Helen Keller
So many have experienced great loss this year. I was one of those people. What I am about to share can transform the way in which you look at pain and suffering.
After days of witnessing the profound devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and attempting to make sense of the traumatic events that happened in our own family, I prayed deeply for clarity, for peace, for healing. Then my prayers were answered in a dream.
In the dream I was floating in the vastness of the universe. Three angels welcomed me and stood by a beautiful doorway and said, "He's been waiting for you." As they opened the door before my eyes was God in all his divine glory. With open arms and an enormous smile he embraced me saying, "I am so glad you decided to come, what took you so long."
He invited me to sit on his lap and then as a wise father would say he asked, "Why are all of you so serious." I said, "Have you seen what is going on in the world, have you seen what is going on in my family." God smiled and said, "As real and as deep as the pain you are feeling is, the problems you are facing, the problems in the world are merely a blip."
A bit confused I asked what a blip was. God then pulled out an enormous book that showed every event in the history of mankind. Every collective and personal tragedy. As he showed me the greatest tragedies of mankind, he told me to look carefully and then he said watch, "It is a blip," and he turned the page to reveal the healing and the joy. He said, "As quickly as the page turned, is how quickly the healing can occur."
He said, "When you think about all of these tragedies what is the worst thing that can happen." I said, "We would all die."
He then said in this wonderful Mel Brooks voice, "So what would be so terrible, so then you would always be with me."
With that he opened a portal and showed me a place of perfect peace. My children, millions of other children and all of my loved ones where together singing and dancing among the rainbows and dancing with God. He showed me the joy, the light, the healing that is always available.
Then, the dream became more joyful and the message even clearer. Sheryl Crow came bounding in singing I'm Gonna Soak Up the Sun, I'm Going to Tell Everyone to Lighten up.
God stared deeply into my eyes and said, "This is the key, lighten up, fill with light, let go of your emotions, be grateful for every blessing, be joyful, laugh, soak up the sun, realize as real and as deep as the pain is it is but a moment in time."
Become conscious and aware of all the little and big blips in your day that are keeping you from fully experiencing the joy and breath deeply in the light, knowing that this too shall pass.
I have not been the same since the dream. I have felt more joy, more reverence, and more light than I have felt in years. My deepest prayer for you is that you too will rediscover the peace and joy that is always available to you.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
Yes, there is suffering in the world, but there is also overcoming it. Helen Keller
So many have experienced great loss this year. I was one of those people. What I am about to share can transform the way in which you look at pain and suffering.
After days of witnessing the profound devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and attempting to make sense of the traumatic events that happened in our own family, I prayed deeply for clarity, for peace, for healing. Then my prayers were answered in a dream.
In the dream I was floating in the vastness of the universe. Three angels welcomed me and stood by a beautiful doorway and said, "He's been waiting for you." As they opened the door before my eyes was God in all his divine glory. With open arms and an enormous smile he embraced me saying, "I am so glad you decided to come, what took you so long."
He invited me to sit on his lap and then as a wise father would say he asked, "Why are all of you so serious." I said, "Have you seen what is going on in the world, have you seen what is going on in my family." God smiled and said, "As real and as deep as the pain you are feeling is, the problems you are facing, the problems in the world are merely a blip."
A bit confused I asked what a blip was. God then pulled out an enormous book that showed every event in the history of mankind. Every collective and personal tragedy. As he showed me the greatest tragedies of mankind, he told me to look carefully and then he said watch, "It is a blip," and he turned the page to reveal the healing and the joy. He said, "As quickly as the page turned, is how quickly the healing can occur."
He said, "When you think about all of these tragedies what is the worst thing that can happen." I said, "We would all die."
He then said in this wonderful Mel Brooks voice, "So what would be so terrible, so then you would always be with me."
With that he opened a portal and showed me a place of perfect peace. My children, millions of other children and all of my loved ones where together singing and dancing among the rainbows and dancing with God. He showed me the joy, the light, the healing that is always available.
Then, the dream became more joyful and the message even clearer. Sheryl Crow came bounding in singing I'm Gonna Soak Up the Sun, I'm Going to Tell Everyone to Lighten up.
God stared deeply into my eyes and said, "This is the key, lighten up, fill with light, let go of your emotions, be grateful for every blessing, be joyful, laugh, soak up the sun, realize as real and as deep as the pain is it is but a moment in time."
Become conscious and aware of all the little and big blips in your day that are keeping you from fully experiencing the joy and breath deeply in the light, knowing that this too shall pass.
I have not been the same since the dream. I have felt more joy, more reverence, and more light than I have felt in years. My deepest prayer for you is that you too will rediscover the peace and joy that is always available to you.
Debbie Milam is the author of The Secret to Raising a Happy, Successful Family. A syndicated parenting columnist for United Press International and therapist whose work has been featured in over 300 media outlets including The Miami Herald, Elle, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and The Hallmark Channel. Visit her website for more books and resources to help you be a create a life of peace, joy, and success for you and your children. Sign-up for her newsletter at www.bestyoucanbe.org and receive your special report Creating Peace Within Yourself and Your Family.
Talking to Nightlights
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Wendy Garrett
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. - Chinese Proverb
So much has happened since my awakening with the Nightlights experience. I listen and go where I am called. How does that happen? I have no science to explain it. I am the science of the event.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. - Chinese Proverb
So much has happened since my awakening with the Nightlights experience. I listen and go where I am called. How does that happen? I have no science to explain it. I am the science of the event.
(Photo of St. Francis de Asis Church in Taos, New Mexico)
This is the church I was called to. Although I had no foreknowledge of its existence, it is a very famous church among painters, Georgia O'Keeffe being one of the best known admirers.
So my spirit guides told me to go to a church in Taos. What? Why? Those are questions I allow but when I am told - I go. I had business in Sedona and could stop along on the way. I did no research or investigation. I told my Mother, -We are going to a church in Taos- and that was that. I knew I would be directed to the church.
We arrived in Taos where I soon saw a sign for a church and drove up to a building that felt right but looked very odd to me. It was rounded and made out of adobe. We were in a dirt parking lot and the rain was pouring down. I wasn't quite sure where the church was but I knew I had found the area and it was not yet time for me to go in.
My guides told me to wait and gave me a time of 10:15 am. So the next morning - at that time - I returned to discover the front of the Church (and the name). What I had seen the day before was the back because, in the rain, I had missed the sign pointing to the church. Arriving at 10:15 allowed me to take pictures of the Church with the doors shut. There was a funeral in process and after it ended - the doors were propped open to accommodate construction work. There is a personal reason I was supposed to get the photos of the closed doors. I have posted the open door picture from a subsequent trip ...
I am not Catholic but after that, St. Francis came into my life in a big way. I began work helping with animals. I pursued a project that required major work and intense reexamination of personal issues but I knew whatever my own issues - for whatever reason - I was also there for the animals. I could not go around this assignment. I had to go through it.
That church is also the home of an amazing painting. It portrays Jesus standing at the edge of the water, facing forward with the water behind him. In the dark, the scene changes. It becomes Jesus with a cross resting upon his shoulder. Behind him in the water is a small boat.
None of those things are visible in daylight. The scene scared the painter so much he sold that painting as fast as he could. They have tried but have been unable to determine an explanation for how the paint would produce that effect because the materials required to create it were not available at the time it was painted.
I was called to that church for many reasons and there is more to the story but this is enough for now. I believe in miracles and I believe we are all guided on the path to remember our true calling. There will be some things that happen in our lives when our experience of the events is not the point. We will be required to be of service to others. We win when we answer that call and do the work ... no matter what the outer world perceives ... nor our reservations about our own ability. We are called for a higher purpose. There is no question. We are the answer. And so it goes. There may be some hurdles and some pitfalls and we will be strong enough to endure them or learn how to become stronger in our endurance and our faith.
Living with the Nightlight Energy and my Guides requires listening to spirit. Calling me to the church guided me to open my heart in a new way ... and to remember that no matter how dark the night ... the inner light is always on. Sometimes we must experience circumstances that require us to better develop our ability to see it.
My flashing nightlights are a reminder that I am divinely guided every day.
Submitted by Wendy Garrett, an intuitive and conscious channel (www.talkingtonightlights.com).
The Man of My Dreams
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Admit it. Imprinted in your memory is the name and face of that one person who broke you into a million pieces. Yes, all of us have a personal story of unrequited love.
"David" loved me, was devoted to me and planned to marry me...until the day he met "Laura". Blinded by love, I'd failed to make the connection between his growing moodiness and a new friendship with a woman in his graduate program. David's way of telling me that he'd had a change of heart about our relationship and marriage plans was by saying, "Last night I kissed Laura." And just like that, it was over.
David was my first "adult" relationship, so what followed was my first "adult" feeling of despair. Desperate for advice, I spent hundreds of dollars on therapists, psychics and healers. I had even appeared on a TV show and a radio program to tell my story. Then there was the route that many take, which is to reinvent themselves and start fresh. I did this by changing careers, losing 25 lbs. and pursuing artistic endeavors more seriously.
Still, with all of the advice, distractions and accomplished goals, I harbored so much anger toward David and Laura. All I could think about was how I would get revenge or how I'd confront them if we were to ever meet on the street. My resentment grew when I learned that their relationship was more than a fling; it had grown into a serious love affair that was two years strong and growing.
Despite these petty daytime thoughts, my dreams were filled with love and hope. In all of my dreams about David, we spoke and laughed about how our lives turned out since the breakup. During these conversations I would always be reminded of his positive qualities, and just as my dream self would begin to confront him about how angry I'd been all these years, I'd suddenly wake up. In all of my dreams about Laura, she was not a vixen who stole my boyfriend, but rather, a talented woman who was fun-loving and friendly to me. I found these dreams to be so strange considering my actual feelings toward them.
In another dream, I was chasing David and Laura down the street, trying to confront them about my pain. Suddenly, I was stopped by a gentle stranger who asked, "What do you need to say to them?" I had no answer.
One weekend at a spiritual retreat, the topic of forgiveness was brought up. Suddenly, as if a light had gone on in my head, the true message of my dreams was divinely given to me. I realized that all along, God had been lovingly using my dreams to communicate that David was still the man with whom I had fallen in love. However, he was JUST that- a man. He was a man who found someone to love, and that someone simply wasn't me. Laura was just a woman who didn't steal my happiness, but rather, pursued her own. How could I hate them for that?
I thank God for sending His wisdom and love through my dreams. It is truly a miracle that my feelings of unforgiveness were put to rest while I was literally at rest!
Admit it. Imprinted in your memory is the name and face of that one person who broke you into a million pieces. Yes, all of us have a personal story of unrequited love.
"David" loved me, was devoted to me and planned to marry me...until the day he met "Laura". Blinded by love, I'd failed to make the connection between his growing moodiness and a new friendship with a woman in his graduate program. David's way of telling me that he'd had a change of heart about our relationship and marriage plans was by saying, "Last night I kissed Laura." And just like that, it was over.
David was my first "adult" relationship, so what followed was my first "adult" feeling of despair. Desperate for advice, I spent hundreds of dollars on therapists, psychics and healers. I had even appeared on a TV show and a radio program to tell my story. Then there was the route that many take, which is to reinvent themselves and start fresh. I did this by changing careers, losing 25 lbs. and pursuing artistic endeavors more seriously.
Still, with all of the advice, distractions and accomplished goals, I harbored so much anger toward David and Laura. All I could think about was how I would get revenge or how I'd confront them if we were to ever meet on the street. My resentment grew when I learned that their relationship was more than a fling; it had grown into a serious love affair that was two years strong and growing.
Despite these petty daytime thoughts, my dreams were filled with love and hope. In all of my dreams about David, we spoke and laughed about how our lives turned out since the breakup. During these conversations I would always be reminded of his positive qualities, and just as my dream self would begin to confront him about how angry I'd been all these years, I'd suddenly wake up. In all of my dreams about Laura, she was not a vixen who stole my boyfriend, but rather, a talented woman who was fun-loving and friendly to me. I found these dreams to be so strange considering my actual feelings toward them.
In another dream, I was chasing David and Laura down the street, trying to confront them about my pain. Suddenly, I was stopped by a gentle stranger who asked, "What do you need to say to them?" I had no answer.
One weekend at a spiritual retreat, the topic of forgiveness was brought up. Suddenly, as if a light had gone on in my head, the true message of my dreams was divinely given to me. I realized that all along, God had been lovingly using my dreams to communicate that David was still the man with whom I had fallen in love. However, he was JUST that- a man. He was a man who found someone to love, and that someone simply wasn't me. Laura was just a woman who didn't steal my happiness, but rather, pursued her own. How could I hate them for that?
I thank God for sending His wisdom and love through my dreams. It is truly a miracle that my feelings of unforgiveness were put to rest while I was literally at rest!
The Divinely Guided Draftsman
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Bob Harlan
St Edward the Confessor Episcopal Church in Orono, Minnesota suffered a fire and was completely destroyed. After much turmoil with selecting an Architect and contractor, I was asked to submit drawings for the church which could be built within the budget. I sat down at my drawing board and asked for divine guidance because I never drew a church before. I am a carpenter with only drafting training. As I began to draw the energy level was intense. It flowed.
St Edward the Confessor Episcopal Church in Orono, Minnesota suffered a fire and was completely destroyed. After much turmoil with selecting an Architect and contractor, I was asked to submit drawings for the church which could be built within the budget. I sat down at my drawing board and asked for divine guidance because I never drew a church before. I am a carpenter with only drafting training. As I began to draw the energy level was intense. It flowed.
The labyrinth can be used without moving the chairs, you pray in a labyrinth, not on one and the gospel is in the center of a sacred circle.
An Angel Voice Saved My Life
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
A couple of years ago I was driving at night from Cape Town to Hermanus (a small town East of CT, South Africa). It is a local custom to give way to drivers behind you going faster by moving onto the roads tarred shoulder so the other driver can pass.
On this night, a fast approaching set of lights in the rear view mirror made me move over, but as the road started more steeply going uphill, the vehicle came next to me and then simply stayed there: not getting past me.
All of the sudden a voice clearly told me with unmistakable urgency: "get back in the road, quick!" I acted swiftly and just in time. Just over the hill (which we reached in nanoseconds) there was a huge accident obscuring any way forward for where I was at the time of getting the message.
With adrenaline pumping through a grateful heart I logged this experience as Divine Guidance in it's most basic survival mode.
There But for the Grace of God A Personal Account of Divine Guidance Anonymous
In 1997, I was returning home after dropping my children off at school. I went over the brow of a small hill and the following happened in sequence:
1. I noticed that there was a light dusting of snow on the road.
2. I noticed the tracks of a car in the snow.
3. within 20 meters the road curved to the right quite sharply but the i noticed that the car tracks just stopped and did not curve to the right as I expected.
4. At that point, I was going downhill and put my foot on the break.
5.The car started skidding
6. A man's voice in my head in very cultured English, and in a voice that was not to be disobeyed, instructed me to 'take your foot off the brake'.
This was something which I would not normally have done, but I instantly obeyed and the car stopped skidding. I was able to continue to the curve on the right and just noticed at that point that the car whose tracks I'd been questioning had crashed into a wall. There but for the grace of God would I have gone!
A couple of years ago I was driving at night from Cape Town to Hermanus (a small town East of CT, South Africa). It is a local custom to give way to drivers behind you going faster by moving onto the roads tarred shoulder so the other driver can pass.
On this night, a fast approaching set of lights in the rear view mirror made me move over, but as the road started more steeply going uphill, the vehicle came next to me and then simply stayed there: not getting past me.
All of the sudden a voice clearly told me with unmistakable urgency: "get back in the road, quick!" I acted swiftly and just in time. Just over the hill (which we reached in nanoseconds) there was a huge accident obscuring any way forward for where I was at the time of getting the message.
With adrenaline pumping through a grateful heart I logged this experience as Divine Guidance in it's most basic survival mode.
There But for the Grace of God A Personal Account of Divine Guidance Anonymous
In 1997, I was returning home after dropping my children off at school. I went over the brow of a small hill and the following happened in sequence:
1. I noticed that there was a light dusting of snow on the road.
2. I noticed the tracks of a car in the snow.
3. within 20 meters the road curved to the right quite sharply but the i noticed that the car tracks just stopped and did not curve to the right as I expected.
4. At that point, I was going downhill and put my foot on the break.
5.The car started skidding
6. A man's voice in my head in very cultured English, and in a voice that was not to be disobeyed, instructed me to 'take your foot off the brake'.
This was something which I would not normally have done, but I instantly obeyed and the car stopped skidding. I was able to continue to the curve on the right and just noticed at that point that the car whose tracks I'd been questioning had crashed into a wall. There but for the grace of God would I have gone!
The Novena Intervention
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
In 1995, I was in a desperate situation looking after my stepfather and mother who was suffering from Alzheimer's. Because my stepfather was sexually abusing my unknowing mother, I had to somehow separate them. I didn't know how this was going to happen but it had to be done for her safety and wellbeing. I also had three children aged 8, 5 and 2 to look after.
A friend recommended that I did a novena (i.e. pray to St Anne for nine days). This I did, and on the morning of the tenth day as I walked downstairs, I encountered my stepfather who calmly asked me to give him his passport and other documents which he had given me for safekeeping as he was leaving. He did leave. I was open mouthed at God's power! He saved my mum and I!
In 1995, I was in a desperate situation looking after my stepfather and mother who was suffering from Alzheimer's. Because my stepfather was sexually abusing my unknowing mother, I had to somehow separate them. I didn't know how this was going to happen but it had to be done for her safety and wellbeing. I also had three children aged 8, 5 and 2 to look after.
A friend recommended that I did a novena (i.e. pray to St Anne for nine days). This I did, and on the morning of the tenth day as I walked downstairs, I encountered my stepfather who calmly asked me to give him his passport and other documents which he had given me for safekeeping as he was leaving. He did leave. I was open mouthed at God's power! He saved my mum and I!
The Angel Painting
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
I had ordered Lorna Byrnes book about angels as she had lost her husband while he was young, and I wanted to read about her angel encounters and see how she coped with the loss of her husband. My husband was dying of prostate cancer at the time and I wanted to know how to cope with his impending death.
I read the book in one sitting and went to Lorna Byrne's website after I finished it, and found that she had a section on her website saying that you could write in and ask for help and prayers. I wrote to her asking for courage and guidance. Within 60 seconds of clicking 'submit', the doorbell rang. I went outside to see a beautiful young woman standing at the gate with a portfolio of artwork. She very animatedly told me she was selling artwork from door to door, and asked if she could show me the work. She started showing them and I liked them a lot even though I normally don't like abstract stuff. Then she came to hers and said: This is mine, it is a painting of an angel.
Suddenly I realized that this was the answer to my prayer which had been sent to Lorna Byrne. The answer was proof that she had heard my request and she had sent an angel to me. It was just amazing!
I had ordered Lorna Byrnes book about angels as she had lost her husband while he was young, and I wanted to read about her angel encounters and see how she coped with the loss of her husband. My husband was dying of prostate cancer at the time and I wanted to know how to cope with his impending death.
I read the book in one sitting and went to Lorna Byrne's website after I finished it, and found that she had a section on her website saying that you could write in and ask for help and prayers. I wrote to her asking for courage and guidance. Within 60 seconds of clicking 'submit', the doorbell rang. I went outside to see a beautiful young woman standing at the gate with a portfolio of artwork. She very animatedly told me she was selling artwork from door to door, and asked if she could show me the work. She started showing them and I liked them a lot even though I normally don't like abstract stuff. Then she came to hers and said: This is mine, it is a painting of an angel.
Suddenly I realized that this was the answer to my prayer which had been sent to Lorna Byrne. The answer was proof that she had heard my request and she had sent an angel to me. It was just amazing!
In God's Hands
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
I was in despair. My husband was dying and I had to sell our house in a foreign country before he died, otherwise face up to months of delay and legal wrangling in a very difficult foreign language. I was cleaning a room while praying hard, suddenly I looked up into the sky ahead and noticed what seemed to be a light shining out of it. So much so that I wondered whether it was the sun, but then I checked and the sun was to the east.
I paid attention to the light and then the words came into my head:
"Don't doubt! Never ever doubt! Put your troubles in God's hands!"
I understood that by despairing, by worrying, I was doubting God and his desire to help me. I apologized profusely and promised that I would not worry again and just let him do as he saw fit.
It was a very powerful experience. Since then there are times I catch myself worrying, but then just tell myself to let God take over, and he hasn't let me down yet.
By the way, the house is not sold yet, my husband has died, the delays are long and so is the difficulty in dealing with the foreign language. However, I believe that God has a reason for this and I just have to be patient and go with the flow.
I was in despair. My husband was dying and I had to sell our house in a foreign country before he died, otherwise face up to months of delay and legal wrangling in a very difficult foreign language. I was cleaning a room while praying hard, suddenly I looked up into the sky ahead and noticed what seemed to be a light shining out of it. So much so that I wondered whether it was the sun, but then I checked and the sun was to the east.
I paid attention to the light and then the words came into my head:
"Don't doubt! Never ever doubt! Put your troubles in God's hands!"
I understood that by despairing, by worrying, I was doubting God and his desire to help me. I apologized profusely and promised that I would not worry again and just let him do as he saw fit.
It was a very powerful experience. Since then there are times I catch myself worrying, but then just tell myself to let God take over, and he hasn't let me down yet.
By the way, the house is not sold yet, my husband has died, the delays are long and so is the difficulty in dealing with the foreign language. However, I believe that God has a reason for this and I just have to be patient and go with the flow.
Hang Gliding Angel
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
I took my dog for a walk on the local downs - an enormous green expanse in the south of England covering hills and dales and dotted with tiny villages.
My dog was off the lead and headed down the hill. I was engrossed in speaking with my son, but only for what seemed five minutes, before I turned to call my dog. I realized he had disappeared down the steep hill. We ran down to a point where we could see far to the distance but he was nowhere to be seen. This was a shock - it seemed impossible - for how could he have gone so far in so short a time? We called and called but there was no sign of him. I imagined him spending the night out there and how awful I would feel knowing he was lost.
Just then, I decided to ask my angels for help in finding him. Not even a minute passed before I spotted a young man flying on a hang glider, rounding a spur to our right and coming into view as he flew past us. I shouted out: We've lost our dog, can you help us find him? He could fly but we only had the limited use of our legs. He asked what his name was and what he looked like. He continued flying round the curve of the hill and suddenly shouted out: There he is, I see him!
I looked at where he was pointing and there, far in the distance, seemingly much much further than he could ever have got in that short space of time, I spotted my dog and started calling him. He heard and started the long run back.
I was shocked and thrilled when it dawned on me that my dog had been saved by an angel who had answered my prayers! There was no other explanation.
I took my dog for a walk on the local downs - an enormous green expanse in the south of England covering hills and dales and dotted with tiny villages.
My dog was off the lead and headed down the hill. I was engrossed in speaking with my son, but only for what seemed five minutes, before I turned to call my dog. I realized he had disappeared down the steep hill. We ran down to a point where we could see far to the distance but he was nowhere to be seen. This was a shock - it seemed impossible - for how could he have gone so far in so short a time? We called and called but there was no sign of him. I imagined him spending the night out there and how awful I would feel knowing he was lost.
Just then, I decided to ask my angels for help in finding him. Not even a minute passed before I spotted a young man flying on a hang glider, rounding a spur to our right and coming into view as he flew past us. I shouted out: We've lost our dog, can you help us find him? He could fly but we only had the limited use of our legs. He asked what his name was and what he looked like. He continued flying round the curve of the hill and suddenly shouted out: There he is, I see him!
I looked at where he was pointing and there, far in the distance, seemingly much much further than he could ever have got in that short space of time, I spotted my dog and started calling him. He heard and started the long run back.
I was shocked and thrilled when it dawned on me that my dog had been saved by an angel who had answered my prayers! There was no other explanation.
Called to Boston
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Bob Alarid
A few years ago, as I was going about running errands, I heard God speak in my spirit, and He said "Go to Boston!". Immediately, I bought a newspaper to see if there were any specials on flights to Boston. It was a 4th of July weekend and there was a great deal on flights. I bought my ticket, without telling anyone, lest they think I just wanted to get away for a vacation and was using God as an excuse. Also, because I could answer no questions. I did not know why I was being called to Boston. I did know the Voice of the Lord, though, and the next day I was in Boston.
I walked all over the airport for a couple hours, thinking that maybe I was supposed to meet someone there. It was a very dry couple hours. When I realized that the answer was not at the airport, I rented a vehicle and drove up and down every street of downtown Boston, looking for the reason I was there. After I had driven a couple more hours all over the city seemingly in vain, I heard in my spirit, "Go to Harvard!". I did not know where Harvard was, but I looked it up and to Harvard I went.
It was the 4th of July and the place was full of people celebrating. I could not find one parking space. Finally after a few minutes, I found one space. I got out of the car and started walking. A few yards from my car was a building with these words engraved, "What is man that thou art mindful of him?" With people all around me, I stood there and read these words and as I did, I felt the Powerful Presence of God, and I became so weak that I could not stand. I dropped to the ground and just wept and wept as those words pierced my heart!
Once I could get up, I went to the airport and flew home. I took a picture of that building and those words. That experience changed my life to this day! Similar experiences throughout my life cause me to believe that Divine Guidance is indeed available to the searching and hungry heart!
A few years ago, as I was going about running errands, I heard God speak in my spirit, and He said "Go to Boston!". Immediately, I bought a newspaper to see if there were any specials on flights to Boston. It was a 4th of July weekend and there was a great deal on flights. I bought my ticket, without telling anyone, lest they think I just wanted to get away for a vacation and was using God as an excuse. Also, because I could answer no questions. I did not know why I was being called to Boston. I did know the Voice of the Lord, though, and the next day I was in Boston.
I walked all over the airport for a couple hours, thinking that maybe I was supposed to meet someone there. It was a very dry couple hours. When I realized that the answer was not at the airport, I rented a vehicle and drove up and down every street of downtown Boston, looking for the reason I was there. After I had driven a couple more hours all over the city seemingly in vain, I heard in my spirit, "Go to Harvard!". I did not know where Harvard was, but I looked it up and to Harvard I went.
It was the 4th of July and the place was full of people celebrating. I could not find one parking space. Finally after a few minutes, I found one space. I got out of the car and started walking. A few yards from my car was a building with these words engraved, "What is man that thou art mindful of him?" With people all around me, I stood there and read these words and as I did, I felt the Powerful Presence of God, and I became so weak that I could not stand. I dropped to the ground and just wept and wept as those words pierced my heart!
Once I could get up, I went to the airport and flew home. I took a picture of that building and those words. That experience changed my life to this day! Similar experiences throughout my life cause me to believe that Divine Guidance is indeed available to the searching and hungry heart!
A Filmmaker's Journey of Light
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Dorothy Fadiman
My husband and I create a simple ritual, we take turns drinking from a goblet, gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes, and each take some excellent acid. It’s the 60’s… We know our dealer, and we trust that we have taken good quality (legal at that time…) LSD. As our inner worlds expand, and deepen, I lay down, l close my eyes and start to breathe deeply, as my heart opens and… I hear a voice…inside my head, speaking to me: “May I fill you with Light?’ I have no idea who or what is speaking to me and in this moment, it doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, I trust it. When you are in this state, where everything is connected to everything…whatever is happening seems right… and I say YES.
With the word “yes” my entire body begins filling with LIGHT, A BRILLIANT CASCADE …of light. A waterfall of radiance flows through me, every cell of my body is filled with this light. As the brilliance becomes almost unbearably intense…then, Jim reaches out and touches me… Suddenly, it STOPS… His touch pulls me back into the room…. I remember saying “What are you doing?????” It’s a moment I refer to now, affectionately, as “Illuminatus Interruptus,” but, in THAT moment, THEN, I am shocked.
Looking back, I know now that I was not ready to receive any more of light than when it stopped after Jim touched me…I realize now that the intention of this cascade was not only to infuse me with light… which it did, but also for me to be able to bring this light back, into my own world….like I am doing now, to tell people about it.
I spend the next ten years raising two daughters while trying to write a book about light. The dirty laundry piles up for days at a time, the dented grey file cabinets fill with my research about light, when the girls are in school, I sneak away to the basement of the art library at Stanford and spend hours under glaring fluorescent lights searching for images of radiant saints and glowing angels as I struggle to write my book.
Finally, after ten years of trying to complete my mission to tell this story with pictures and words on paper, there is a knock on our door. Literally, standing there, is a filmmaker. He says, “I heard what you’ve been trying to do, to write a book about light. Did you ever think of making a movie???”
With his help, I make my first film RADIANCE: The Experience of Light. Since then I have produced more than 25 films...each, in its own way, infused with the "light". The guidance which appeared to me during the experience of light more than 40 years ago, is with me today, every day.
ABOUT the FILMMAKER Dorothy Fadiman has been producing award-winning media with a focus on social justice and human rights since 1976. Most of her films have been shown on PBS and in Festivals throughout the world. For more about Dorothy and her work visit here websites at: www.dorothyfadiman.com and www.concentric.org
My husband and I create a simple ritual, we take turns drinking from a goblet, gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes, and each take some excellent acid. It’s the 60’s… We know our dealer, and we trust that we have taken good quality (legal at that time…) LSD. As our inner worlds expand, and deepen, I lay down, l close my eyes and start to breathe deeply, as my heart opens and… I hear a voice…inside my head, speaking to me: “May I fill you with Light?’ I have no idea who or what is speaking to me and in this moment, it doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, I trust it. When you are in this state, where everything is connected to everything…whatever is happening seems right… and I say YES.
With the word “yes” my entire body begins filling with LIGHT, A BRILLIANT CASCADE …of light. A waterfall of radiance flows through me, every cell of my body is filled with this light. As the brilliance becomes almost unbearably intense…then, Jim reaches out and touches me… Suddenly, it STOPS… His touch pulls me back into the room…. I remember saying “What are you doing?????” It’s a moment I refer to now, affectionately, as “Illuminatus Interruptus,” but, in THAT moment, THEN, I am shocked.
Looking back, I know now that I was not ready to receive any more of light than when it stopped after Jim touched me…I realize now that the intention of this cascade was not only to infuse me with light… which it did, but also for me to be able to bring this light back, into my own world….like I am doing now, to tell people about it.
I spend the next ten years raising two daughters while trying to write a book about light. The dirty laundry piles up for days at a time, the dented grey file cabinets fill with my research about light, when the girls are in school, I sneak away to the basement of the art library at Stanford and spend hours under glaring fluorescent lights searching for images of radiant saints and glowing angels as I struggle to write my book.
Finally, after ten years of trying to complete my mission to tell this story with pictures and words on paper, there is a knock on our door. Literally, standing there, is a filmmaker. He says, “I heard what you’ve been trying to do, to write a book about light. Did you ever think of making a movie???”
With his help, I make my first film RADIANCE: The Experience of Light. Since then I have produced more than 25 films...each, in its own way, infused with the "light". The guidance which appeared to me during the experience of light more than 40 years ago, is with me today, every day.
ABOUT the FILMMAKER Dorothy Fadiman has been producing award-winning media with a focus on social justice and human rights since 1976. Most of her films have been shown on PBS and in Festivals throughout the world. For more about Dorothy and her work visit here websites at: www.dorothyfadiman.com and www.concentric.org
The River with No Reflection
A Personal Account of Divine Guidance
Wendy Breck
I was 6. It was the beginnings of spring with little rivulets forming here and there and running through the snow. Winter was finally over. I walked into the woods off of the road a little and sat down by a sapling, with not another soul around. I loved this area. I was just kind of day-dreaming when I felt a presence standing next to me. An Indian in a deerskin with a hood over his head!! He had his hand out to me. Without even a thought at how strange this all was, I put my hand in his and followed. The first step I took I knew I was no longer where I was only a minute ago.
Everything had changed - the birds were talking excitingly - saying "she's here, she's here" and flying off to tell others. The rabbits and squirrels were doing the same. Much to my surprise, I had been expected and they were very happy I had finally arrived. Up ahead three stoic old trees turned to face me and talked. I was speechless. One tree shook my hand and said it was nice to meet me. One of the others was very bothered and expressed how he didn't think trees should be talking to humans at all- he turned his back to me. He was grumpy. Everything knew my name - I felt all warm and safe and very loved. I would have stayed there forever but the Indian was beckoning - waving his hand -pointing to the river.
So I followed. We got to the river and he kept pointing at it - he never spoke. I went to the river and looked - it looked normal - I could see blue sky and trees reflected in it. I put my hand in it and it felt cold and wet. I looked back at him puzzled, he shook his head and pointed at the river again. I looked again and realized my reflection was not in the river. Why? What? I turned and asked the Indian if I was dead - he shook his head, dreaming? no, but he wouldn't talk and tell me. So still puzzled I left with him when he motioned that it was time to go. He led me back to my original place after the trees, birds and animals and I said tearful good-byes. We knew that while they were still going to be around me we would no longer have this special relationship. I stepped over this little rivulet and I was home again.
As I walked home I tried to think up plausible excuses for why I was so late, for surely I had been gone hours. When I got home I realized I was only 10 minutes late.
To this day I am not sure what I was supposed to understand about the river with no reflection. That Indian guide continued to visit and teach me until I was about 13. And incidentally the reason he had a hood on is that he had no head - something that scared me not one bit.
I am very attuned to nature, much more so than the average person, and I talk to trees, animals even rocks and they talk back. I never get lost or lonely as I always have the assistance of nature to guide me. One time an owl told me how to get home when I was lost. When I cry, I usually seek the solace of trees- they are very loving and stabilizing. They have even given me energy when I have walked farther than I thought and got tired. All I have to do is ask. Sometimes, I'm the one who gives the energy to sick or weakened trees. There is even a tree at my childhood house that I go hug every time I go home to visit. I try to do all this when I know no one is watching, but a few people have caught me and have mixed reactions mostly incredulous, but I don't care it just is what it is, I can't change it. What surprises me is that not one person has ever asked me what a tree has to say - they are not curious. Little do they know that trees know almost everything.
That Indian was the first signpost in a very interesting spiritual quest called my life. I forever thank him. I just wish he had told me what the river with no reflection was supposed to mean.
I was 6. It was the beginnings of spring with little rivulets forming here and there and running through the snow. Winter was finally over. I walked into the woods off of the road a little and sat down by a sapling, with not another soul around. I loved this area. I was just kind of day-dreaming when I felt a presence standing next to me. An Indian in a deerskin with a hood over his head!! He had his hand out to me. Without even a thought at how strange this all was, I put my hand in his and followed. The first step I took I knew I was no longer where I was only a minute ago.
Everything had changed - the birds were talking excitingly - saying "she's here, she's here" and flying off to tell others. The rabbits and squirrels were doing the same. Much to my surprise, I had been expected and they were very happy I had finally arrived. Up ahead three stoic old trees turned to face me and talked. I was speechless. One tree shook my hand and said it was nice to meet me. One of the others was very bothered and expressed how he didn't think trees should be talking to humans at all- he turned his back to me. He was grumpy. Everything knew my name - I felt all warm and safe and very loved. I would have stayed there forever but the Indian was beckoning - waving his hand -pointing to the river.
So I followed. We got to the river and he kept pointing at it - he never spoke. I went to the river and looked - it looked normal - I could see blue sky and trees reflected in it. I put my hand in it and it felt cold and wet. I looked back at him puzzled, he shook his head and pointed at the river again. I looked again and realized my reflection was not in the river. Why? What? I turned and asked the Indian if I was dead - he shook his head, dreaming? no, but he wouldn't talk and tell me. So still puzzled I left with him when he motioned that it was time to go. He led me back to my original place after the trees, birds and animals and I said tearful good-byes. We knew that while they were still going to be around me we would no longer have this special relationship. I stepped over this little rivulet and I was home again.
As I walked home I tried to think up plausible excuses for why I was so late, for surely I had been gone hours. When I got home I realized I was only 10 minutes late.
To this day I am not sure what I was supposed to understand about the river with no reflection. That Indian guide continued to visit and teach me until I was about 13. And incidentally the reason he had a hood on is that he had no head - something that scared me not one bit.
I am very attuned to nature, much more so than the average person, and I talk to trees, animals even rocks and they talk back. I never get lost or lonely as I always have the assistance of nature to guide me. One time an owl told me how to get home when I was lost. When I cry, I usually seek the solace of trees- they are very loving and stabilizing. They have even given me energy when I have walked farther than I thought and got tired. All I have to do is ask. Sometimes, I'm the one who gives the energy to sick or weakened trees. There is even a tree at my childhood house that I go hug every time I go home to visit. I try to do all this when I know no one is watching, but a few people have caught me and have mixed reactions mostly incredulous, but I don't care it just is what it is, I can't change it. What surprises me is that not one person has ever asked me what a tree has to say - they are not curious. Little do they know that trees know almost everything.
That Indian was the first signpost in a very interesting spiritual quest called my life. I forever thank him. I just wish he had told me what the river with no reflection was supposed to mean.